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Increase frame rate?

Can I increase the frame rate, to make the game run faster? (Like you can in the unEnhanced version)


  • ArcaterArcater Member Posts: 22
    I second that...
  • JalilyJalily Member Posts: 4,681
    Add this line to your baldur.ini:
    'Program Options',	'Maximum Frame Rate',	'30',
    Change the number to whatever you want.
  • ArcaterArcater Member Posts: 22
    Actually I just need a booster when the team has to cross large distances.. Not an overall change
  • JalilyJalily Member Posts: 4,681
    edited February 2013
    In that case, you're better off enabling the console and either conjuring six pairs of Boots of Speed (CLUAConsole:CreateItem("boot01")) or using Ctrl+J.
    Post edited by Jalily on
  • BellarminoBellarmino Member Posts: 2
    Thanks Jalily.
    Found the Baldur.ini at 'user/documents/Baldur's Gate- Enhanced Edition/Baldur.ini', opened with the, added the line you specified, and it works :)
  • soanvigsoanvig Member Posts: 7
    Sorry, that I am bumping, but I think there is no reason to submit new topic.

    So, I've done as above but no change to gameplay. Still slow as hell (default 30fps - I know this speed very good). Editing baldur.ini works - Debug Mode works, as well as changes made to a file. My OS is Windows 7.

    Any ideas?
  • TJ_HookerTJ_Hooker Member Posts: 2,438
    @soanvig when you editied the .ini like Jalily suggested above, did you make sure to change the value to something other than 30? Sorry if this seems like a stupid question, but I could totally see myself just copy/pasting that line but forgetting to actually change the framerate value.
  • soanvigsoanvig Member Posts: 7
    Of course I did! :) I've set it to 60 (the value I use to play Infinity Engine). And I did not even have to copy the line. I found the value in baldur.ini already existing. I tried to paste new one, edit old one etc. but no difference.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,519
    It should work as described above. Just make sure that the game isn't running when you're changing any values in the baldur.ini.

    Personally I would advise against changing the frame rate, as it speeds up everything (clock speed, duration of spell effects, animations, ...). If you just want to walk faster you should cheat in Boots of Speed for everyone.
  • soanvigsoanvig Member Posts: 7
    edited May 2014
    Nah, nothing is working. In BG2:EE it works, but not in BG1:EE.

    I have other important boots (Of Hiding i.e.). Also I always played with boosted speed, so I feel uncomfortable.
    Going to migrate to BG2:EE as fastest as possible.
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