Best choice for Charname? (Little spoiler)

Hi everyone! I want to start a new game with team that will start BG2,
Minsc (Ranger)
Khalid (Fighter)
Jaheira (Fighter/Druid)
Imoen (Thief)
Dynaheir (Mage)
So what is the beat choice for Charname to have a balance team? Did I need a true cleric? An other ranged character?
Minsc (Ranger)
Khalid (Fighter)
Jaheira (Fighter/Druid)
Imoen (Thief)
Dynaheir (Mage)
So what is the beat choice for Charname to have a balance team? Did I need a true cleric? An other ranged character?
Post edited by Pluc082 on
We are in a no spoilers section, so information on the sequel and its NPC choices should perhaps be left unsaid. I truly regret a few pieces of information regarding the sequel that came about as a result of looking up mere NPC options. Heed thy warning if you have never played the sequel.
The other option, as also put forth by @KidCarnival is a Cleric, which is absent in the popular canon line-up.
I also thought Charname as a Thief would be beneficial.
Thanks for your answer.
With this in mind, a gnome or half Orc cleric/thief multi sounds right up your alley.
I'm really loving the party, by the way. CHARNAME is exceptionally sturdy (*huge* HP pool and defensive stance), Minsc is a destroyer (though he's had terrible HP rolls in my game) with the Stupefier, and Jaheira can either sling pebbles or get dirty with a nice shield.
Thinking about it... It may be a good idea to take a kitted human cleric and dual to thief or mage early. That way, you get some extra healing and the low level cleric spells, and the extra arcane power later to make up for Dynaheir's forbidden school (either charname or dualed Imoen if you decide to dual charname to thief instead). From the kit, you also have some useful extra abilities.
Cleric thief is another excellent option - gnome for saves or half-orc for melee power.
While that is true, chances are the new thief will be evil, and the OP is clearly running a good party.
That said, I disagree with @revarr's suggestion that you need a new thief. Imoen has enough thieving abilities to perform all lockpicking and trapfinding duties for the remainder of the saga, so the only use for another thief is if you want the more combat-oriented thievery, like backstabbing, trap setting, or illusion detection.
Maybe they'll spend Imoen's points more wisely. Not something we can plan on, though. My fantasy is that they give her persistent levels and stats when you import, and
Using the Level 1 NPCs mod for BGT I used to enjoy changing her to a pure class Bard, but that's another story.
It's entirely a matter of taste, but in my games she's either Thief or Bard. (I guess she could be EEKeepered to Bard even now, although I'm not sure how stably the game would run as such.)
I picked up Neera at the earliest opportunity and she has remained part of the group, indefinitely so. I do not know if I'll keep Neera for the duration. That was never the plan, but her voice set, her background story, and the quest she wishes us to undertake all sit very comfortably with me. This also weighs on the decision to dual Imoen, or not. I've always felt one mage was adequate, for my needs.
Dorn (or Kagain if wanting something more tanky)
Shar-Teel dualed to Thief at Level 3
You character could have been taught magic from Gorion while you worked as a cleric of Ogmha the rest of the time.
I too think of how Charname would have became proficient in a class. If a Fighter it could have been through participating in daily training drills lead by the Gate Warden, while sparring with Fuller and Hull before sun down. Rogue skills are a trait Charname could have learned from Imoen while growing up in Candlekeep together, refining their skills in tandem within the vast library with many an opportunity to test their ability to hide in shadows, to move silently, to open locks and to pick pockets. Mage and Cleric have been mentioned above.
It's the likes of a Druid or a Ranger that I find a shade more difficult to weave a background for. Both are woodsmen with a desire for nature, and the protection of animals for which they form a mutual bond of kinship. Charname could have discovered a secret way out of Candlekeep's walls to explore the surrounding wilderness, especially with Imoen looking to improve her sleuthing and lock picking skills. Charname may have been an avid reader of books relating to nature and/or the elves, especially if Jaheira had made a lasting and a positive impression upon Charname whilst visiting Gorion in years past.