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Font size control?

eddylawrenceeddylawrence Member Posts: 2
Greetings awesome people,

I was told (back when BGEE was announced) that it would allow font controls, & even larger font sizes like 30+.

(I need 30+ to read well.)

Is that still true?

Thank you!


  • ElectricMonkElectricMonk Member Posts: 599
    This is a good question, I do remember this being mentioned at some point, but nothing about specific font sizes. Perhaps @TrentOster or @PhillipDaigle could pop in here to answer your question if they have a free second.
  • TrentOsterTrentOster Administrator, Developer Posts: 433
    We can increase the font size, but there is a limit to the spaces allowed at each resolution. Our current plan is to allow for small, normal and Big font settings. on the big setting, we'll push it as large as we can.

  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    Font size is surprsingly important - Ive played bg with the widescreen mod, and on my 1920x1080 size monitor, the text is really difficult to read. Size is obviously important, but if there is some hard coded size limit, then legibility + colour can compensate for this. The default font at the moment could be significantly clearer, particularly the hard red of player responses.
  • beobeo Member Posts: 144
    I strongly second this.

    Some kind of font adjustment is really important, especially when game is gonna use this high resolutions now.
  • AlequeAleque Member Posts: 149

    We can increase the font size, but there is a limit to the spaces allowed at each resolution. Our current plan is to allow for small, normal and Big font settings. on the big setting, we'll push it as large as we can.


    I think it's about time to bump this half year old topic. Any information on that Font Size feature? It's driving me nuts. Or is there at least a temporary solution for this? I feel cheated having waited extra time for an already posponed game, and now after I finally bought it, hoping that these features would already exist, I have to wait extra time browsing the Forums in a hope of a fix.

    Please keep in mind that reading lots of text is the main essense of Baldur's Gate and not all of us have perfect eyesight, hence this issue should be addressed immediately.
  • MurrayConfederacyMurrayConfederacy Member Posts: 188
    Bump away! This would be a nice feature to have although TBH I would rather the devs got all the other problems out of the way before doing this.
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