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(BG2) White spell scroll pictographs hard to see in higher resolutions

James_MJames_M Member Posts: 145
White spell scroll pictographs can be easily seen in BG’s original resolution, but are difficult to see in higher resolutions in BG2 (e.g. 1024). The suggestion is to perhaps alter the color or texture of the background, or add a touch of color to the pictographs.


  • BannynBannyn Member Posts: 3
    or mayby use the picto graphs from either planescape torment or icewind dale 2? (I know I know) but these were soooooo much easier to see for us half blind folks than the original ones in bg1 and bg2 and the first Iicewind dale, so many times I had to remember the placement of my spells rather than try to use the look of its symbol because I couldn't tell what it was.
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