How exactly do the mechanics of HIde In Shadows and Move Silently work...and how are they different?

Hey all.
I get that it's always an average between the two stats.
But what does Hide in Shadows do that's different than Move Silently?
Any rogue experts feel like explaining?
Once you're hidden, you do 'move silently' rolls to remain invisible.
Therefore , backstabbers need a high hide in shadows % , while scouts need both.
Your chance to hide is based on the average of the two stats, your chance to stay hidden is based on Move Silenty. Neither do you have to do it away from sunlight, you simply suffer penalties to your success for being in sunlight.
EDIT: Actually, following some testing, I'm not convinced there is any difference at all between MS and HitS for the purposes of hiding or staying hidden.
Example: HIS 70, MS 30: 50% chance
But also: HIS 0, MS: 100: 50% chance
After you hide successfully, the MS skill determines how long you stay hidden for, thus still giving you the opportunity to either retreat or backstab before you're fully seen.
(As you can see, MS is a lot more useful than HIS)
Plus, you have to consider that night/daylight and shadow spots influence your % of success.
EDIT: ninja'ed by ryuken87
So why bother with hide in shadows at all and just put 200 points into Move Silently?
@Debaser As far as why you'd put points into HiS at all, it used to be that thief skills wrapped around back to zero when you boosted them over 255, which would mean that boosting MS exclusively would have negative effects if taken too far. I've heard that this has been fixed in BGEE, but it might make sense to try to stay under that point anyway in case they put a cap in place. If you want to be able to reliably hide in broad daylight, you'll need more than 200 points in HiS/MS anyway.
Where did you hear this was fixed was it after a specific patch?
@bigdogchris @SpaceInvader @ryuken87 @DJKajuru @Lord_Tansheron @TJ_Hooker
Can anyone confirm if the wrap-around was dealt with in a patch or during EE development?
Item #42, under ToBEx
Note that this merely prevents the value from wrapping around. You still aren't able to go over 255 (at least, that's my understanding).
Many ToBEx are not implemented.
So you would need a total of 400 to always hide in sunlight.
You need to see this:
Hide in Shadows/Move Silently Thesis
I did some testing myself (dumping 200 pts in either HiS or MS only) and didn't come to any noticable difference in maintaining stealth. Their fade in times were the same as well. The tests weren't done with the char in perpetual motion nor with any hostiles around though, so unless one of the skills affects stealth in motion or with the presence of enemies, I don't see the benefits of dumping in either stat.
Just note that you halve your overall stealth average in daylight and multiply by 0.7 for lighted indoor areas. Shadows in either and night-time outdoors have full stealth efficacy.
EDIT: I just did a test with a pack of 6 gnolls, ran circles around them for 10 minutes, and both chars (one with pts dumped entirely in HiS and the other in MS) stayed stealthed the whole time. I don't think there's a difference between the two skills.