Planning a low-rep run!

I'm finally tired of good playthroughs, where I'm nice and fair and everything is gumdrops and lollipops. No, this's evil time.
What I'm aiming for here is a game where I spend the majority of the time at reputation 1. Where I don't care if I get caught stealing, because I'll slaughter the guards. And then the bastard who called the guards. And probably anyone else in the room.
Now, normally, this would be pretty straightforward. But I've got a few mods installed, namely, an armour mod, a weapon mod, an excellent kitpack, and one that gives me the bonus merchants from BG2.
As you folks probably know, they inflate prices dramatically when your rep is low. And considering the best gear the game now comes from merchants, that sucks. So, I was thinking...the smartest thing to do would be to visit a temple to inflate my reputation before making any major purchases.
So, with the generous assistance of ShadowKeeper, my party will look like this...
PC- Flagellant (Bard Kit), which will be Tea for the Tillerman era Cat Stevens. Why Cat Stevens? I have no idea. But he's going to be evvvvvil!
Xzar- Flametouched (Fighter kit)
Montaron- Slingmaster (Ranger kit, dualled to Cleric)
Dorn (I'm going to leave him vanilla since I haven't used the Blackguard kit yet)
Shar-Teel- Scout (Thief Kit)
Kagain- Dwarven Defender/Cleric
I need some advice from people used to playing evilly. Where can you make a lot of money? Where can you make up XP you'd normally gain by doing things the good way?
And I suppose if you just want to comment on the plan, that's fine too!
What I'm aiming for here is a game where I spend the majority of the time at reputation 1. Where I don't care if I get caught stealing, because I'll slaughter the guards. And then the bastard who called the guards. And probably anyone else in the room.
Now, normally, this would be pretty straightforward. But I've got a few mods installed, namely, an armour mod, a weapon mod, an excellent kitpack, and one that gives me the bonus merchants from BG2.
As you folks probably know, they inflate prices dramatically when your rep is low. And considering the best gear the game now comes from merchants, that sucks. So, I was thinking...the smartest thing to do would be to visit a temple to inflate my reputation before making any major purchases.
So, with the generous assistance of ShadowKeeper, my party will look like this...
PC- Flagellant (Bard Kit), which will be Tea for the Tillerman era Cat Stevens. Why Cat Stevens? I have no idea. But he's going to be evvvvvil!
Xzar- Flametouched (Fighter kit)
Montaron- Slingmaster (Ranger kit, dualled to Cleric)
Dorn (I'm going to leave him vanilla since I haven't used the Blackguard kit yet)
Shar-Teel- Scout (Thief Kit)
Kagain- Dwarven Defender/Cleric
I need some advice from people used to playing evilly. Where can you make a lot of money? Where can you make up XP you'd normally gain by doing things the good way?
And I suppose if you just want to comment on the plan, that's fine too!
An easy XP solution would be to hit Basilisks straight away and let Korax get you to level 5-6 before picking up your NPCs and then you'll have a nice level buffer for the frequent attacks from guards and the like.
Certainly I can see having high rep once to get the main purchases but if you do it too frequently then you have to consider the costs involved both to get there repeatedly. I usually try for high rep for chapters 1-2 for cure light wounds and then go kill drizzt or something to get horror in 3-4 before going back up for DUHM.
Pretty easy to make a fair bit of cash if you hit Durlag's etc.
I think half the challenge of a 1 rep run is that you won't be able to purchase much, if you take that away via rep management then what's the point?
Black Lilly in Baldur's Gate
For magic items you actually want to *use*, it doesn't matter that you can't sell them back again, but at least you've made money on the initial sale before stealing back. Your Bard should have okay-ish pickpockets, which you can boost with Potions of Master thievery
BTW Drizzy's Twinkle Scimitar (the one that only good characters can use) can be sold for 5,500 gold after pickpocketing it (I did this recently with about 160 in pickpockets after a 3 Potions of Master Thievery, I kept Icing Death)
Anyway, if you want to be evil... BE EVIL. Don't rep manage to get items, just deal with it that you are not the Customer of the Year with any merchant. Make the best of the items you can loot. I don't really see the point in installing an item mod for such a run. Most of the "best gear" can be found or looted; the reward items are nice, but not essential. The mod takes this advantage away, at least psychologicially, because now you know the stuff you find isn't the "best" anymore, so you want the things you need to buy, so you start to rep manage to afford them, so you don't really spend most of the game at rep 1. Counterproductive.
But that's your choice. An early money maker: complete the Brage and Prism quests. Sell the Prism gems to Nashkel store, then steal them back and turn them in to Oublek. Kill Oublek to loot all his gold, the gems and Brage's body. Turn in body in temple to get more XP. Later, sell gems to Black Lily. Oublek usually has 2000+ gold on him, plus he gave you 300 for the gems and the store buys them for 500.
on my good playthroughs i only ever used to pick up gold pieces, occasionally pick up stacking gems and never necklaces and i would still have enough gold to buy everything i needed thrice over
with evil i make sure i pick up everything (within reason) and haven't been found wanting for money, but then i don't have the extra merchants to spend my gold at
Starting low rep run, installing mods for merchants with better items and then complaining about high prices due to low rep => -1