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Who actually kills Elminster?

Figured I would ask. As a FR purist, the thought of my low-level party killing the guy, who casts no spells in the whole combat, for a lump of exp and his non-magical quarterstaff is ridiculous. Slaying Drizzt I can handle, because at least he drops good gear and can (depending on the way you kill him) put up a hell of a fight. But dropping the Sage of Shadowdale just doesn't sit well for me... no matter the experience cost.


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  • MelicampMelicamp Member Posts: 244
    Bhaaldog said:

    Not me. If he had decent AI, I imagine it should be exceptionally difficult to kill him in any case in BG1.

    Yeah for me when I tried it out he got caught on some bushes and just stood there as I hit him with weapons.... So I said screw that.

  • AHFAHF Member Posts: 1,376
    They should have him stoneskinned and with a full spell book and befitting gear, including a ring of free action and periapt of proof against poison. He can then start out combat with a chain contingency (protection from energy, spell immunity:abjuration, protection from magical weapons) and immediately whip out a spell trigger (spell immunity:enchantment, fire shield, improved invisibility) before he starts using time stops, horrid wiltings, mordy swords, etc.

    I am sure there are better combinations but it should be pretty much death for anyone who attacks him.
  • DebaserDebaser Member Posts: 669
    edited March 2013
    I kill him if I feel I can, because he doesn't really die. So if I'm Chaotic Nuetral or Chaotic Evil, or even Neutral Evil, it kind of makes sense to see what can be gained.

    The XP is excellent.

    But it's like striking down a Jedi and watching him/her turn only to robes...he's suddenly back again in the next chapter, etc. So...I don't look at it as killing him, I look at it as dispelling his cowardly illusions, since he's more than willing to try to manipulate me from a safe distance but fears my God Blood.
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    edited March 2013
    Rarely. I did a few times when I was trying who was killable and would give me an XP drop or any gear. It's also immersion-breaking because he comes back later anyway. If he'd drop his hat, sure, instant prime target to make my Red Wizard happy, but as it is... No hat, no kill.
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