CTD upon entering Character Sheet/Inventory screen
Hello, it seems whatever divine power is in charge of my luck decided it hates me, as now my BG:EE installation is messing with me. Whenever I enter the character screen or the Inventory screen, I get a full game crash. The error message reads:
There was an error. A crash report was saved to: C:\Users\User\Documents\Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition\crash\dump.2014.0008.dmp.
It's very unspecific. I've included all of the crash dumps I received so far in this post. All I did to this game was alter the baldur.ini file to contain the line that unlocks the console, never doing anything with it.
There was an error. A crash report was saved to: C:\Users\User\Documents\Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition\crash\dump.2014.0008.dmp.
It's very unspecific. I've included all of the crash dumps I received so far in this post. All I did to this game was alter the baldur.ini file to contain the line that unlocks the console, never doing anything with it.
Post edited by Aedan on
It's happening every time you enter the character sheet and the inventory still? There was an issue like that with an offhand weapon breaking and stats trying to be read out of it.
could you attach you ini as well please?
CREATE TABLE options (
section string,
name string,
value string
'MOVIES', 'INTRO', '1',
'Program Options', 'Strref On', '0',
'Program Options', 'First Run', '0',
'Program Options', 'Full Screen', '0',
'Graphics', 'IsZoomed', '0',
'Graphics', 'Width', '1444',
'Graphics', 'Height', '861',
'Game Options', 'Footsteps', '1',
'Game Options', 'Memory Level', '1',
'Game Options', 'Mouse Scroll Speed', '36',
'Game Options', 'GUI Feedback Level', '6',
'Game Options', 'Locator Feedback Level', '3',
'Game Options', 'Bored Timeout', '3000',
'Game Options', 'Always Dither', '1',
'Game Options', 'Subtitles', '1',
'Game Options', 'Keyboard Scroll Speed', '36',
'Game Options', 'Command Sounds Frequency', '2',
'Game Options', 'Selection Sounds Frequency', '3',
'Game Options', 'Effect Text Level', '63',
'Game Options', 'Infravision', '0',
'Game Options', 'Weather', '1',
'Game Options', 'Tutorial State', '1',
'Game Options', 'Attack Sounds', '1',
'Game Options', 'Auto Pause State', '129',
'Game Options', 'Auto Pause Center', '1',
'Game Options', 'Difficulty Level', '2',
'Game Options', 'Quick Item Mapping', '1',
'Game Options', 'Environmental Audio', '1',
'Game Options', 'Heal Party on Rest', '1',
'Game Options', 'Terrain Hugging', '0',
'Game Options', 'HP Over Head', '0',
'Game Options', 'Critical Hit Screen Shake', '1',
'Game Options', 'Hotkeys On Tooltips', '1',
'Game Options', 'Area Effects Density', '100',
'Game Options', 'Duplicate Floating Text', '1',
'Game Options', 'Tiles Precache Percent', '100',
'Game Options', 'Pausing Map', '0',
'Game Options', 'Extra Feedback', '0',
'Game Options', 'Filter Games', '1',
'Game Options', 'All Learn Spell Info', '1',
'Game Options', 'Visual Range', '100',
'Program Options', 'Font Name', '',
'Program Options', 'Debug Mode', '1',
'Program Options', 'Double Byte Character Support', '0',
'Program Options', 'Drop Capitals', '1',
'Program Options', '3D Acceleration', '1',
'Program Options', 'Maximum Frame Rate', '30',
'Program Options', 'Path Search Nodes', '32000',
'Program Options', 'Tooltips', '60',
'Program Options', 'Translucent Shadows', '1',
'Program Options', 'Sprite Mirror', '0',
'Program Options', 'Gamma Correction', '0',
'Program Options', 'Brightness Correction', '0',
'Program Options', 'Backwards Compatible 3d', '0',
'Program Options', 'Volume Movie', '0',
'Program Options', 'Volume Music', '0',
'Program Options', 'Volume Voices', '40',
'Program Options', 'Volume Ambients', '0',
'Program Options', 'Volume SFX', '40',
'Program Options', 'Display Subtitles', '1',
'Lua Edit', 'String0', 'CLUAConsole:SetCurrentXP(1000000000) ',
'Lua Edit', 'String1', 'CLUAConsole:SetCurrentXP(1000000000)',
'Lua Edit', 'String2', 'CLUAConsole:CreateCreature("MINSC")',
'Lua Edit', 'String3', 'CLUAConsole:ExploreArea()',
'Lua Edit', 'String4', 'CLUAConsole:MoveToArea("AR0200")',
'Lua Edit', 'String5', 'CLUAConsole:ExploreArea()',
'Lua Edit', 'String6', 'CLUAConsole:MoveToArea("AR0200")',
'Lua Edit', 'String7', 'CLUAConsole:ExploreArea()',
'Lua Edit', 'String8', 'CLUAConsole:MoveToArea("AR0200")',
'Lua Edit', 'String9', 'CLUAConsole:ExploreArea()',
'OVERRIDES', 'fonts', '',
'OVERRIDES', 'ui', '',
'OVERRIDES', 'trent', '',
'MOVIES', 'REST', '1',
'Window', 'Full Screen', '0',
'Window', 'x', '495',
'Window', 'y', '410',
'Window', 'w', '1532',
'Window', 'h', '863',
'Window', 'Maximized', '0',
'Graphics', 'Hardware Mouse Cursor', '1',
'Keymap Action', 'Stealth', '0',
'MOVIES', 'CAMP', '1',
'Game Options', 'Color Circles', '1',
'Language', 'Text', 'en_US',
'Multiplayer', 'Last Protocol Used', '2',
'Multiplayer', 'Player Name', 'tester',
'Multiplayer', 'Session Password', 'tests',
'Multiplayer', 'Session Name', 'testing',
'Multiplayer', 'Default Permissions', '00000001',
'Multiplayer', 'Pausing Dialog', '0',
'Multiplayer', 'Import Character', '1',
'MOVIES', 'WRECK', '1',
'Graphics', 'Scale UI', '1'
watch out for Boo, he bites