Rotating party formation with touchpad?

First of all, thanks for a great, great Mac port of BG:EE - the game is a delight to play on OS X and I can't wait for BG2:EE, IWD1:EE, IWD2:EE and Planescape Torment:EE (hope you'll be doing all of these and will be releasing them all natively on Mac OS X as well).
Now that you have added Pinch-To-Zoom and Two-Finger-Panning to the touchpad controls I will probably switch to playing BG:EE with the touchpad instead of playing with the Magic Mouse. However, there's still something I haven't found out concerning touchpad controls - how do you rotate your party formation with the touchpad? When using the mouse one just right-clicks/holds and rotates the formation - that doesn't seem to work with the touchpad. Is there a way to do that with the touchpad as well?
Now that you have added Pinch-To-Zoom and Two-Finger-Panning to the touchpad controls I will probably switch to playing BG:EE with the touchpad instead of playing with the Magic Mouse. However, there's still something I haven't found out concerning touchpad controls - how do you rotate your party formation with the touchpad? When using the mouse one just right-clicks/holds and rotates the formation - that doesn't seem to work with the touchpad. Is there a way to do that with the touchpad as well?