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Did you ever miss Draw upon holy might? *BG2 spoilers*

AlexisisinneedAlexisisinneed Member Posts: 470
Little off subject of BG;EE, but in BG2 your bhaalspawn powers are taken away and replaced with the ability to changed into the slayer. Which is really good, I'm not putting that down it's just that one of my major buffs in BG2 for my Undead Hunter was Draw upon Holy Might.(Although I was still able to do this through my priest spells,) When I played as a Swashbuckler I no longer had that ability and it upset me. Did you ever miss it as I did?


  • FrostyFrosty Member Posts: 190
    Yes and slow posion
  • AlexisisinneedAlexisisinneed Member Posts: 470
    That too, Slow Poison is very convenient. I don't understand why you would lose all your other powers just to get the "Slayer" ability.
  • DarrylsonDarrylson Member Posts: 87
    All that was left of your Bhaal essence after Irenicus took your soul was your murderous instinct, manifested in the ability to become the slayer. While it's inconvenient it makes sense that you would lose your other Bhaal powers.
  • AlexisisinneedAlexisisinneed Member Posts: 470
    True that does make sense, but once you get your soul back shouldn't your other powers return as well?
  • DarrylsonDarrylson Member Posts: 87
    Yeah I always thought that you should. If anything you should get even better powers, ie Cure Light Wounds is replaced with Cure Serious Wounds, Slow Poison with Neutralize Poison, etc. since you've come to "master" your Bhaal essence. Imoen is only aware of her divinity for roughly a month and in ToB she suddenly develops powers better than yours ever were.
  • bbearbbear Member Posts: 1,180
    You may gain DUHM as a Bhaal power after one of the planar trials in the ascension mod.
  • AlexisisinneedAlexisisinneed Member Posts: 470
    Darrylson said:

    Yeah I always thought that you should. If anything you should get even better powers, ie Cure Light Wounds is replaced with Cure Serious Wounds, Slow Poison with Neutralize Poison, etc. since you've come to "master" your Bhaal essence. Imoen is only aware of her divinity for roughly a month and in ToB she suddenly develops powers better than yours ever were.

    That would be cool or maybe you get an improved slayer form or something like that. Though I always found it odd that Imoen is a bhaalspawn yet she shows none of her powers until very late in the game.

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  • MadhaxMadhax Member Posts: 1,416
    I'm okay with losing the initial powers in exchange for the Slayer, but I wish there was a non-evil version of the Slayer for good players to use. One of my first full clears of the game was with a PC Inquisitor, and I relied heavily on my Bhaal powers to make up for my lack of Paladin spells. After the change, I couldn't use Slayer without losing rep (and doesn't it make paladins Fall? Either way, bad RP), so my PC was much less interesting to play.

    Hm... might make for a good feature request.
  • AlexisisinneedAlexisisinneed Member Posts: 470
    Madhax said:

    I'm okay with losing the initial powers in exchange for the Slayer, but I wish there was a non-evil version of the Slayer for good players to use. One of my first full clears of the game was with a PC Inquisitor, and I relied heavily on my Bhaal powers to make up for my lack of Paladin spells. After the change, I couldn't use Slayer without losing rep (and doesn't it make paladins Fall? Either way, bad RP), so my PC was much less interesting to play.

    Hm... might make for a good feature request.

    I had that problem too, but it was fixable since I was an Undead Hunter and still was able to do Priest Spells. But yes I never really understand why you would lost rep when you changed into a slayer I mean the only time you would actually use there would be no witness that would mention about it.
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  • BerconBercon Member Posts: 485
    Non-evil version of the Slayer? Seriously? The whole point of the transformation is that it's evil!

    Instead of regaining the special abilities you had, you gain new powers through the tears in hell, before facing Irenicus the second time. And I'd say those are more powerful than the ones you had.
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    I'm more annoyed by the fact that as an evil CHARNAME, you don't even seem to get DuHM in the first place! It's by far the best power :(

    The Slayer does what it's supposed to - it's a primal, feral killing machine that's as dangerous to others as it is to yourself. They did a pretty good job with that, embodying the whole inner struggle against your instinct, your blood. And it makes sense that your other powers disappear when your soul is violated.
  • RaphielDrakeRaphielDrake Member Posts: 41
    edited March 2013
    I always thought it rather odd you didn't continue to gain more potent ones in Shadows of Amn while you still had your soul or in Throne of Bhaal where you got it back. It doesn't really make sense.

    Cleric: "I'm a cleric serving a God and I can turn enemies to ash with the suns rays or just summon an earth elemental to fuck them up! :-D"
    Bhaalspawn: "Oh yeah? Well I'm the *spawn* of a God and I can... heal very, very small amounts of wounds... twice a day... or turn into a giant cockroach... and eventually die as a result... yeah... take that... bitch... :'("

    Ascension definitely had the right idea with the higher level abilities.
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,453
    I do miss DUHM, especially since I never, ever use the Slayer. But its all part of the story. By the time I loose it, I usually have enough power via other means, it's not a big deal.
  • OneAngryMushroomOneAngryMushroom Member Posts: 564
    Not nearly as much as the almost instantaneous cure light wounds, that saved me so many times
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,453

    Not nearly as much as the almost instantaneous cure light wounds, that saved me so many times

    Oh yeah! Although if you play a paladin, Lay on Hands is just as fast, and a lot more powerful at higher levels!
  • RaphielDrakeRaphielDrake Member Posts: 41
    atcDave said:

    I do miss DUHM, especially since I never, ever use the Slayer. But its all part of the story. By the time I loose it, I usually have enough power via other means, it's not a big deal.

    Yeah but its power you gained through your own efforts.
    It really pisses me off when Amelysan credits the main characters success during the last battle to his/her "bhaal essence". There should be an option to interrupt her and go:
    "What? What the fuck are you talking about? Hate to break this to you but turning into a giant bug and eventually dying isn't the marvellous boon you'd think. I've grown alittle past it."

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