Did you ever miss Draw upon holy might? *BG2 spoilers*

Little off subject of BG;EE, but in BG2 your bhaalspawn powers are taken away and replaced with the ability to changed into the slayer. Which is really good, I'm not putting that down it's just that one of my major buffs in BG2 for my Undead Hunter was Draw upon Holy Might.(Although I was still able to do this through my priest spells,) When I played as a Swashbuckler I no longer had that ability and it upset me. Did you ever miss it as I did?
Hm... might make for a good feature request.
Instead of regaining the special abilities you had, you gain new powers through the tears in hell, before facing Irenicus the second time. And I'd say those are more powerful than the ones you had.
The Slayer does what it's supposed to - it's a primal, feral killing machine that's as dangerous to others as it is to yourself. They did a pretty good job with that, embodying the whole inner struggle against your instinct, your blood. And it makes sense that your other powers disappear when your soul is violated.
Cleric: "I'm a cleric serving a God and I can turn enemies to ash with the suns rays or just summon an earth elemental to fuck them up! :-D"
Bhaalspawn: "Oh yeah? Well I'm the *spawn* of a God and I can... heal very, very small amounts of wounds... twice a day... or turn into a giant cockroach... and eventually die as a result... yeah... take that... bitch...
Ascension definitely had the right idea with the higher level abilities.
That seems like a contradictio in terminis
It really pisses me off when Amelysan credits the main characters success during the last battle to his/her "bhaal essence". There should be an option to interrupt her and go:
"What? What the fuck are you talking about? Hate to break this to you but turning into a giant bug and eventually dying isn't the marvellous boon you'd think. I've grown alittle past it."