Make Clubs, Quarterstaves, and Other Useful Items Sellable for 1gp

Got this idea from one of the Icewind Dale mods made by @Camdawg
Certain items are trash (the Spider Body from Landrin's quest for example) and they should have no value. That being said, a club or a quarterstaff having no value doesn't make sense to me. You can buy them, I don't see why you couldn't sell them for at least 1 gold. The merchant would certainly make a profit on it, and its better then you throwing it on the ground.
Certain items are trash (the Spider Body from Landrin's quest for example) and they should have no value. That being said, a club or a quarterstaff having no value doesn't make sense to me. You can buy them, I don't see why you couldn't sell them for at least 1 gold. The merchant would certainly make a profit on it, and its better then you throwing it on the ground.
Everyone's aware that we're basically talking about heavy tree-branches, right? I agree that not being able to sell them is cumbersome, but especially with a club leaving it on the ground wouldn't even be considered littering.