Ugh... Level Up Changes and NPC Minimum Level When Acquired

I was unpleasantly surprised when I went to Nashkel and discovered that upon picking up Edwin, he was level 2 instead of level 1. This is despite the fact that while my main character had leveled, I had yet to level up (she still showed level 1). In the old game, you were considered your previous level until you applied the changes. Now it seems its based on EXP total. I guess its intended... blah!
But I've never taken Edwin, so I have no clue there.
Here's a link to Dudleyville which is outdated, but it shows what level the NPCs are depending on what level CHARNAME is when you pick them up.
Anyone know what level Dorn starts at, and if it changes? I know that
This mod is extremely complex, so it will likely require a lot time and effort to be made compatible, and I don't even know if someone is working on it at the moment.
In the meantime, I'm working on a similar but much simpler WeiDU mod for BGEE. It will be much less versatile than "Level 1 NPCs" (e.g. no possibility to choose class, kit and initial abilities/proficiencies for each NPC) and the NPCs will not be level 1, but whatever minimum level they normally have in BGEE (e.g. Edwin will always be level 1, Viconia level 2, Alora level 4, etc.). However, they will have the appropriate equipment and (for mages) known spells at the time you recruit them and eventually enough XP to immediately level up.
I may consider adding some of the other features later on. You know, baby steps :-)
I will post the mod in the Modding section as soon as it is done (tentatively in a few days).
Thanks for telling me. No need to post my mod then. However, for me it was useful anyway to work on it as learning experience :-)
xzar, monty, kagain and garrick (just off the top of my head) are lvl1 NPCs
pretty sure khalid and jahiera are too
After that just install BG2 tweaks as you normally would. I have the ToB-Style NPCs component installed, and haven't encountered any problems, although I haven't really played much since I installed it.
Thanks for bringing to my attention the ToB-Style NPCs component of BG2 tweaks. I've checked @CamDawg script and I've noticed a difference between his mod and mine regarding how memorized spells are handled.
My mod assigns to casters the appropriate known spells (based on their actual XP instead of their current level), but doesn't change the memorized spells (still based on their current level instead of XP), whether "ToB-Style NPCs" gives them also memorized spells based on their current XP. I prefer the first approach, because I believe they should not be allowed to cast higher level spells until you manually level them up and rest.
I'm curious about what other people think about this. Unless there are very good reasons to implement memorized spells the way ToB-Style NPCs does, I may consider to release my mod anyway, because of this and other minor differences.