Trouble with voices

I've encountered some problem while adding my own voice set to Baldur's gate 1. I know where to place the .wav files and I know how to name them correctly, but for an unknown reason, I seem unable to make the voice sets work properly. Only one sound of the set actually work (XXXXXXXi.wav : Action Acknowledgement 1) and the voice sets are not available at all in multiplayer games.
Anybody had the same problem? How did you solve these issues?
Anybody had the same problem? How did you solve these issues?
Further tests required
The sounds I made are all 48 000 Hz stereo 32-bit float, that might be the problem
The sound format is just fine, but you can't name your sound files like you want it.
You need to name your voice sets CUSTOM0a for the first sound, CUSTOM0b for the second, etc.
You can make 10 voice sets, naming them CUSTOM0, CUSTOM1, CUSTOM2 to CUSTOM 9.
I haven't been able to know why my sound file reset from time to time, so I suggest you guys keep a backup of your shits all the time, just in case.