Journal Entries don't work properly

Hi, I've been having some problems with the journal.
(1) If I first got a quest in one chapter, and complete it in a second chapter, the quest is moved to the active quests section of the second chapter, not to the completed quests section.
(2) For the journal part and the user journal parts, there is no scroll bar, so I can't see anything beyond the most current entry. I know that most times you can scroll by clicking and dragging; however, because these entries are editable, clicking (even clicking and dragging), just opens the current entry for editing, meaning you can never scroll past it. Just adding a scroll bar here would make this much more useable. I know for the most part the user journal is pretty trivial, but it really helps my gameplay because it helps me remember where I've dropped NPCs.
(1) If I first got a quest in one chapter, and complete it in a second chapter, the quest is moved to the active quests section of the second chapter, not to the completed quests section.
(2) For the journal part and the user journal parts, there is no scroll bar, so I can't see anything beyond the most current entry. I know that most times you can scroll by clicking and dragging; however, because these entries are editable, clicking (even clicking and dragging), just opens the current entry for editing, meaning you can never scroll past it. Just adding a scroll bar here would make this much more useable. I know for the most part the user journal is pretty trivial, but it really helps my gameplay because it helps me remember where I've dropped NPCs.
