Do you eat tomes?

- Do you eat tomes?173 votes
- I eat all of the tomes for me.61.27%
- I eat most of the tomes for me, share a few.18.50%
- I eat some tomes for me and share some with others.15.03%
- I don't eat tomes  1.16%
- Idc. Results!  4.05%
On a more serious note, my character had such a ridiculously good roll this time I feel sort of bad about taking the tomes. There's only so many of them though and the companions won't benefit from them longterm.
Tomes are juicy.
I eat the delicious tome-a-tomes with mozzarella and basil.
I almost always dual Xzar, so he gets the wis tomes (ALL of them). If I don't dual Xzar, it's because I play a cleric and hence all your tome are belong to me.
Con tome goes either to the NPC with lowest con (calculating with "who wears the Claw") or someone who gains HP, if no-one with near-permanent fatigue con is in the party. Sometimes it's charname, sometimes not.
I often play thieves, so dex is mine. Often also the int tome, because that's my usual dump stat and no-one (in my usual parties) needs it to dual. Str is usually mine because the NPCs who need extra strength likely already wear Ogre gloves at that point.
It really depends on what class I am playing/ what my starting stats are. If my strength won't jump to 19 from a tome, I generally share it with someone who can get a huge benefit from it (Kivan and Shar-Teel come to mind). Dex tome I only use if A.) I used Ranged weapons B.) I started at less than 18 or C.) I am an elf who REALLY wants that dex point from Lum the Mad. Con tome I only use if it gives me a hit point/level, I don't particulary care as much about regen as I used to. Int only if it puts me at 6,11,16, or if I am a bard/wizard. Wisdom I use if I am a priest, OR if it was a dump stat and it looks really ugly (though usually I'll settle for it being ugly and share with the 16 wisdom clerics in the game). Oh, bards use wisdom tomes too. Charisma I will only use if I started with it around 15--otherwise I'll give it to Ajantis/Dorn/Imoen and have them do my shopping.
Only Charname's stats are imported into BG2. Everyone else either doesn't appear in BG2, or appears with pre-determined stats regardless of whether they used any Tomes in BG1 (although, in several cases, the pre-determined stats for BG2 NPCs are better than the same character's stats in BG1).
Therefore there is no long-term point in anyone except Charname using any of the Tomes. So I always give all of them to Charname (and I allocate abilities at character creation on the assumption that I will be giving all Tomes to that character).
If I were playing a character whom I intended to use in BG1 only, then my position might be different ... but I never play for BG1 only, so that issue never arises.
Therefore I use the tomes logically for the BG:EE game that I'm in. The tomes go to whoever can utilize them best. But come to think of it, even in a run through the entire saga, if a tome won't benefit my PC in any way, why would I not use it in BG1/EE for a character who benefits from it? There's no logical reason not to do that.
This is unacceptable and inhumane. Thus I protest against it and demand taverns, restaurants and inns with delicious Faerûnian cuisine to be added by Overhaul. Think of the children!
Extra strength grants me the ability to use flails, or hold a large shield, or wear a Full Plate.
Extra dexterity always useful and seeing as my guy would be using ranged, slings might as well get as much additional THAC0 with it.
Extra constitution will give me the additional HP, as I start with 15.
Extra intellect to allow me to scribe almost every spell with 95% chance
Lots of extra wisdom for lots of extra bonus spell slots. Nom.
Finally with the extra charisma, a few items and a friends spell means I can reach 20+ charisma for maximum discount.
But it doesn't stick for the NPCs. Whatever you do for them is "reset" when you go the BG2. If that mechanism were to change, my behavior would change accordingly.
In BG2 all such enhancements go to the character who can make best use of them.
I had forgotten how very excellent Gargoyles is.
"Hand over your tome and no one will be hurt. If you resist it shall be a waste of your life!"