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Does Wis, Int, or Cha affect saving throws or related skills?

I played D&D vs 1 and 2 when I was a wee lad and seem to remember those stats affected my saving throws in some way, but I may be wrong since that was like 15 yrs ago. Other than increasing memorized spells or learning faster, is there a reason to keep them at a specific threshold? Does anyone have a suggestion of minimal values I should aim to keep? I'll be playing as either a Kensai, Archer, Monk, or maybe Dragon Disciple. Though I'd like to make an alt magic user of some sort as well.


  • XavioriaXavioria Member Posts: 875
    I think only constitution affects saving throws, and that's only if you're a dwarf, gnome, or halfling... but I'm 98 percent sure that's it....
  • TJ_HookerTJ_Hooker Member Posts: 2,438
    edited March 2013
    -For everybody other than bards and mages, INT has no effect other providing a bonus to lore (and protecting against mindflayers in BG2), but you do need at least 9 (I think) INT to use scrolls (and wands too I think). For bards and mages, it also affects their chance to successfully copy a spell to their spellbook, and how many spells they can have in their spellbook at each spell level (does not grant extra casts per day)
    -For everybody other that clerics and druids, WIS only grants a bonus to lore. Clerics and druids get extra casts per day from high WIS.
    -CHA provides a bonus to reaction when you talk to people, and influences store prices. Some people say having a high CHA helps prevent your party members from panicking in combat, but I've never seen any solid evidence to support this.

    For more details, see here:'s_Gate:_Races_and_Stats
  • FalkonSwiftbladeFalkonSwiftblade Member Posts: 51
    hey thats helpful thanks!
  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356
    TJ_Hooker said:

    ... you do need at least 9 (I think) INT to use scrolls (and wands too I think).

    Yes, wands too.
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729

    TJ_Hooker said:

    ... you do need at least 9 (I think) INT to use scrolls (and wands too I think).

    Yes, wands too.
    I also seem to vaguely recall that in BG2 there a a few items that require higher than 9 Int (maybe as high as 16) to use, but I could be mistaken. Int also helps you to survive Mind Flayer attacks for longer in BG2 IIRC.
  • KaltzorKaltzor Member Posts: 1,050
    Dex does help in thievery skills... That's all the skill bonuses you get.
  • DetroitRedWings25DetroitRedWings25 Member Posts: 244
    TJ_Hooker said:

    -For everybody other than bards and mages, INT has no effect other providing a bonus to lore (and protecting against mindflayers in BG2), but you do need at least 9 (I think) INT to use scrolls (and wands too I think). For bards and mages, it also affects their chance to successfully copy a spell to their spellbook, and how many spells they can have in their spellbook at each spell level (does not grant extra casts per day)
    -For everybody other that clerics and druids, WIS only grants a bonus to lore. Clerics and druids get extra casts per day from high WIS.
    -CHA provides a bonus to reaction when you talk to people, and influences store prices. Some people say having a high CHA helps prevent your party members from panicking in combat, but I've never seen any solid evidence to support this.

    For more details, see here:'s_Gate:_Races_and_Stats

    According to my ancient Baldurs Gate game manual most of this holds true however there is one thing missing. Wisdom supposidly gives you a Magic Defense Adjustment. at 15 +1, 16 +2, 17 +3 and 18-25 +4
  • JalilyJalily Member Posts: 4,681

    According to my ancient Baldurs Gate game manual most of this holds true however there is one thing missing. Wisdom supposidly gives you a Magic Defense Adjustment. at 15 +1, 16 +2, 17 +3 and 18-25 +4

    Not implemented.
  • DetroitRedWings25DetroitRedWings25 Member Posts: 244
    Jalily said:

    According to my ancient Baldurs Gate game manual most of this holds true however there is one thing missing. Wisdom supposidly gives you a Magic Defense Adjustment. at 15 +1, 16 +2, 17 +3 and 18-25 +4

    Not implemented.
    So it was planned but ultimately they did away with the idea? I had always wondered about this as I never saw a magic defense adjustment listed on my charector sheet, nor do people seem to mention it.

  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511

    Jalily said:

    According to my ancient Baldurs Gate game manual most of this holds true however there is one thing missing. Wisdom supposidly gives you a Magic Defense Adjustment. at 15 +1, 16 +2, 17 +3 and 18-25 +4

    Not implemented.
    So it was planned but ultimately they did away with the idea? I had always wondered about this as I never saw a magic defense adjustment listed on my charector sheet, nor do people seem to mention it.

    I guess it got a bit messy flagging which attacks qualified for the bonus and which didn't. It's part of the PnP rules.
  • WanderonWanderon Member Posts: 1,418
    Fardragon said:

    Jalily said:

    According to my ancient Baldurs Gate game manual most of this holds true however there is one thing missing. Wisdom supposidly gives you a Magic Defense Adjustment. at 15 +1, 16 +2, 17 +3 and 18-25 +4

    Not implemented.
    So it was planned but ultimately they did away with the idea? I had always wondered about this as I never saw a magic defense adjustment listed on my charector sheet, nor do people seem to mention it.

    I guess it got a bit messy flagging which attacks qualified for the bonus and which didn't. It's part of the PnP rules.
    I am also fairly certain that quite a bit of stuff in the original (and subsequent) manuals was cut/pasted from other sources and not always edited properly to reflect only what was actually implemented.

  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,440
    Wanderon said:

    I am also fairly certain that quite a bit of stuff in the original (and subsequent) manuals was cut/pasted from other sources and not always edited properly to reflect only what was actually implemented.

    The appendix also includes base scores for a thief's abilities in Detect Noise, Climb Walls, and Read Languages.

  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511
    Wanderon said:

    Fardragon said:

    Jalily said:

    According to my ancient Baldurs Gate game manual most of this holds true however there is one thing missing. Wisdom supposidly gives you a Magic Defense Adjustment. at 15 +1, 16 +2, 17 +3 and 18-25 +4

    Not implemented.
    So it was planned but ultimately they did away with the idea? I had always wondered about this as I never saw a magic defense adjustment listed on my charector sheet, nor do people seem to mention it.

    I guess it got a bit messy flagging which attacks qualified for the bonus and which didn't. It's part of the PnP rules.
    I am also fairly certain that quite a bit of stuff in the original (and subsequent) manuals was cut/pasted from other sources and not always edited properly to reflect only what was actually implemented.

    Yup. Stuff in the game too, like some spell descriptions.
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    They also didn't implement Int affecting the max spell level you can cast, sadly. Int would matter more then, especially for Sorcerors who basically don't need high Int currently.
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    Wisdom also effects Wish spell in BG2. But there are three +Wisdom tomes in BG1 and several potions of wisdom in BG2 so......
  • TyranusTyranus Member Posts: 268
    I can't think of a single item that requires a min int score that is required for a sorcerer.

    Nevertheless, I always roll at least 18int/17wis for my Sorcerers. I like the buffer against Mind Flayers, the additional dialogue options here and there, and most importantly Wish will let me auto-rest. This is an absolute MUST for any solo Sorcerer attempts and is always my first level 9 spell slot.
  • TyranusTyranus Member Posts: 268
    except for 9 int for wands and scrolls, of course.
  • kilroy_was_herekilroy_was_here Member Posts: 455
    If you have a higher INT you can escape from the Maze spell faster. At least, that's what the spell description says... don't know if it was actually implemented.

    Also, for the Wish spell Wisdom requirement: technically the Wisdom check is on the character that interacts with the genie (or whatever first) not necessarily who cast the spell. If you have a different character talk to it immediately when they spawn it will be their Wisdom that counts.
  • TJ_HookerTJ_Hooker Member Posts: 2,438

    If you have a higher INT you can escape from the Maze spell faster. At least, that's what the spell description says... don't know if it was actually implemented.

    Also, for the Wish spell Wisdom requirement: technically the Wisdom check is on the character that interacts with the genie (or whatever first) not necessarily who cast the spell. If you have a different character talk to it immediately when they spawn it will be their Wisdom that counts.

    I think that it's been stated somewhere that this is already fixed for BG2:EE, so that the caster is always the one doing the talking.
  • The_Shairs_HandbookThe_Shairs_Handbook Member Posts: 219
    edited March 2013
    Charisma/ npc and followers Reaction / Shop Prices
    3/ -8/ 100%
    4/ -7/ 100%
    5/ -6/ 100%
    6/ -5/ 100%
    7/ -4/ 100%
    8/ -2/ 100%
    9/ -1/ 100%
    10/ 0/ 100%
    11/ 0/ 100%
    12/ 0/ 100%
    13/ +1/ 100%
    14/ +2/ 100%
    15/ +3/ 100%
    16/ +4/ 95%
    17/ +4/ 90%
    18/ +5/ 85%
    19/ +8/ 80%
    20/ +9/ 75%
    21/ +10/ 75%
    22/ +11/ 75%
    23/ +12/ 75%
    24/ +13/ 75%
    25/ +14/ 75%

    thats what CHA does in the game.... less in fighting to non between party members and more talk option with Npc and it's get easier to buy stuff in the shops
  • WanderonWanderon Member Posts: 1,418
    @The_Shairs_Handbook - is that chart specific to BG:EE?
  • The_Shairs_HandbookThe_Shairs_Handbook Member Posts: 219
    Wanderon said:

    @The_Shairs_Handbook - is that chart specific to BG:EE?

    Wanderon got this info from here's_Gate:_Races_and_Stats
  • WanderonWanderon Member Posts: 1,418
    @The_Shairs_Handbook - seems to me I saw something posted somewhere in these forums that suggested the devs "fixed" some things in the charisma implementation so outside source material may or may not be 100% correct for BGEE - for that matter the "official" documentation for charisma in BG Vanilla was never correct either as I recall.

    I suspect the only way to know for sure is for someone (much more tech savvy than I) to look at it in one of the toolsets available.
  • JalilyJalily Member Posts: 4,681
    The table posted is accurate for BG:EE.
  • The_Shairs_HandbookThe_Shairs_Handbook Member Posts: 219
    Wanderon said:

    I suspect the only way to know for sure is for someone (much more tech savvy than I) to look at it in one of the toolsets available.

    hmmm i'm a charisma junky... never done a charname below charisma 18 lol....
    i'll check it out later on the diffirence 18 - 25 are in the shops....
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