Adjusting Brightness
Okay in the original Baldur's Gate when you went into the settings menu you could adjust the brightness of the game. This was vital for me because the default setting was too dark, I needed to adjust it so that I could see what the heck I was doing when I went into caves and such (the default setting was just to dark, the only thing I could make out were the enemy circles). When I went into settings for the enhanced edition, I couldn't adjust, is this feature just lost or is there some new way to do it that I don't know about?
I'm having no problem with brightness in BGee, to me it seems set about right. However, I wonder if this might be an issue for those with some visual impairment? I don't know, that's outside my experience.
And sadly, no, there isn't a setting to increase brightness or contrast (which is the real issue for me). You can try with your monitor settings, but I assume you already adjusted them to what works for you otherwise.
[Edited for content related to other parts of the thread that have been removed at both parties' request. -Lem]
It can change monitor settings automatically when an application is started.
Opportunity for a PSA: When you stick to substance, keep it civil, and not about each other then it's all good! (Here some sarcasm just got misread, though.)