Cleric/thief actionbar
Are there any plans to fix it? Having your pickpocketing, disarming and lockpicking all in your special abilities area?? It's so irritating as to render the multiclass unplayable!
I'm guessing since the interface was already tweaked for BGEE that making the sort of changes that would allow for more flexibility (like being able to drag the ones you want to where you want them) was either not possible for whatever reasons or not allowed per contract.
In other words I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for this to change - frankly while I find it somewhat annoying to deal with the extra mouse clicks I don't find it really effects the playability to any large degree.
This was one of the reasons for that.
Personally, I find turn undead to be near useful for multi-class clerics so the idea that it is harder to use doesn't hurt my head compared to the lockpicking function if Tiax or someone is the party's only thief and this will be used dozens of times over the course of a game compared to the zero times I am going to try to turn undead with a multi-class cleric.