Blade - Offensive Spin and Improved Haste?

I know that you can't stack a Blade's innate Offensive Spin ability with Haste, but does offensive spin work with Improved Haste? I don't mean can you get more attacks than usual with Improved Haste, but can you still get the +2 THAC0/damage and max damage per hit if you try to combine both? Is it even possible to combine both? If so, do you have to start one before the other, if so, which one? Thanks
Do this: open SK, load a Blade, go in the Memorizations, click +1 after selecting level 6 spells, open the Spell window, search for Improved Haste and add it, give it 1 use, save.
1) If you cast Improved Haste first, then Offensive Spin, then Offensive Spin does nothing, you only get the effects from Improved Haste
2) If you cast Offensive Spin first, then Improved Haste, then Improved Haste does nothing, you only get effects from Offensive Spin
This is as I suspected, but wanted confirmation.
Improved Haste *can* be used with Defensive Spin, however.
Also Offensive Spin can be used with Tenser's Transformation (which is great for bards, as they level quickly), but only if cast *before* Tennser's. For some reason it seems to count your innate abilities as spells (is this a bug, or as intended?). Also you get the THAC0 and AC boosts, and extra HP from Tensers, but don't gain any extra attacks from fighter levels (this is intended and in the description).
Tensers and Offensive Spin is pretty lethal (+1 APR, fighter THAC0 table, an extra +4 to hit, an extra +4 damage and maximum damage with each hit) but you would only get both for 3 rounds, as have to cast Offensive spin first and can't cast it again whilst under tensers. Dual Wielding Belm and Kundane or Belm and the Scarlet Ninja-To once you get UAI would be pretty effective...
On the whole I suspect you would do more damage with Offensive Spin + Tenser's as a Blade, than Improved haste + Tenser's, though I guess Improved Haste might still be useful if you've run out of Offensive Spins or with Defensive Spin (e.g. with a bow or in the middle of a group of enemies).
Incidently, none of the Rings of Free Action available in Shadowkeeper (there are 5!) seem to let you move whilst under Defensive Spin and if already wearing one, casting Defensive Spin has no effect. Makes sense, I guess.
Nice work on figuring out exactly how the various effects stack, though! The Free Action thing is weird... I distinctly remember it working with Defensive Spin, but maybe that's no longer the case with BG:EE? Or does it only work with the spell Free Action, but not equipment that grants it?