I definitely didn't read Lord of the Rings, and sadly am not a Sci-fi guy :P
But I guess that putting Baldur's Gate in between those two titles which are still great, despite me being grumpy about it, should be an honor. And I agree. BG is a milestone of gaming, just like LOTR is in writing and SW in filming.
I found out a few months ago that from the four people in my pen and paper D&D group, only one of them has played Baldur's Gate. So after flogging them a few times, I considered that the current game was coming to a close so I've been preparing a PnP Baldur's Gate for a while. So far, the only problem I've encountered with adapting the plot is how I'll motivate them into going to Spellhold if there's no Imoen to rescue. But that's a ways off so I have time.
I found out a few months ago that from the four people in my pen and paper D&D group, only one of them has played Baldur's Gate. So after flogging them a few times, I considered that the current game was coming to a close so I've been preparing a PnP Baldur's Gate for a while. So far, the only problem I've encountered with adapting the plot is how I'll motivate them into going to Spellhold if there's no Imoen to rescue. But that's a ways off so I have time.
@Drugar Great idea Make sure to take screenshots of all the village/city maps and print them out so the players can orient themselves. Whenever the DM in my group uses visual aids like this I find the sessions always become more structured and just generally easier to get into.
Some ideas for a spellhold hook:
- Let the group find an important plot/quest item during the BG1 portion of the campaign, then when they awake in Irenicus dungeon it is missing along with the rest of the gear. Later when they encounter Irenicus outside the dungeon, they see that the mage has the item on his person (perhaps a medallion with bhaals insignia etc). Then things proceed as before, Irenicus allows himself to be captured and the group will have to follow him to recover the item. This will probably only work if the item has been made to feel *very* critical and personal before it's lost. Maybe have the players find it early on, perhaps on Gorions body? or maybe in Gorions old quarters inside candlekeep.
- Insert a NPC into the group somewhere along the questline (could even be Imoen) and make sure the players form bonds with him/her, then have Irenicus abduct as normal.
- Make the Bhaalspawn "sick" after Irenicus dungeon, forcing the players to pursue Irenicus in the hopes of coercing a cure out of him.
But I guess that putting Baldur's Gate in between those two titles which are still great, despite me being grumpy about it, should be an honor. And I agree. BG is a milestone of gaming, just like LOTR is in writing and SW in filming.
Some ideas for a spellhold hook:
- Let the group find an important plot/quest item during the BG1 portion of the campaign, then when they awake in Irenicus dungeon it is missing along with the rest of the gear. Later when they encounter Irenicus outside the dungeon, they see that the mage has the item on his person (perhaps a medallion with bhaals insignia etc). Then things proceed as before, Irenicus allows himself to be captured and the group will have to follow him to recover the item. This will probably only work if the item has been made to feel *very* critical and personal before it's lost. Maybe have the players find it early on, perhaps on Gorions body? or maybe in Gorions old quarters inside candlekeep.
- Insert a NPC into the group somewhere along the questline (could even be Imoen) and make sure the players form bonds with him/her, then have Irenicus abduct as normal.
- Make the Bhaalspawn "sick" after Irenicus dungeon, forcing the players to pursue Irenicus in the hopes of coercing a cure out of him.