Using restricted weapons

Does anyone know if EE Keeper or any other utility will allow you to mod characters to be allowed to use weapons restricted to their class? I really want my dragon disciple rocking a 2 handed sword...
To do it, add Use Any Item to the char's innate skills, with 1 use. Load the game and use the ability, and your character will have it. You can remove the innate afterward and keep the effect. Note also that UAI persists through dual-classing and will stay active even while the first class is inactive.
Anyway still put a point in two handed sword proficiency with shadowkeeper or you will get penalties when wielding it.
I don't know the exact differences between SK and EEK, as I am only using SK. Might be HLAs aren't in there because they are ToB only, whereas lvl9 spells are available without ToB. Dunno!