Saving Throws with Magical Armor

How is this implemented in BG? I know it says in the manual about the same thing as in PnP, but I can't see my saving throws being modified with magical armor on. As in a +1 armor giving you +1 to STs against physical stuff.
Ought to be fixed in this Enhanced Edition really. =P
Plate Mail +2 (The Magma Bulwark)
Base AC = 1
vs. crushing = 1
vs. slashing = 0 (this should be -2, I've reported it as bug and I'm waiting for confirmation by the devs)
vs. piercing = 1
vs. missile = 1
Full Plate:
Base AC = 1
vs. crushing = 1
vs. slashing = -3
vs. piercing = -2
vs. missile = -2
The only advantage of Plate Mail +2 is that it is much lighter and wearable by characters with lower strength (Full Plate requires STR 15+, Plate Mail +2 requires STR 12+).
Also, isn't full plate -4 vs slashing and -3 vs. piercing?
Fair point about the STR requirement though.
I'd imagine it would be a little complicated to put to the game.
"However, magical armor extends its protective power to saving throws against acid sprays or splashes, disintegration, magical and normal fires, spells that cause damage, and falls."
A fireball seems like a magical fire to me. =P But you're right in that it could be tricky to implement the distinction. Just had a hard time seeing the point of magical armor.
Point being, however, that a magic armor protects you against things struck at you such as acid and disintegration, while fireball is usually saved against with a dodge. An armor does not really help you dodge, now does it? It would help against the fireball if you just stood there and took it, but that probably wouldn't do you much good in most situations anyway.
Full Plate Mail
AC vs. slashing = 1 (base) - 4 (modifier) = -3 AC
But really, it's true that AD&D can be different depending on DM. I just thought it seemed magical armor had no edge other than the higher gold value, with the added drawback of not being able to equip rings/cloaks.