Hosting for voice packs and Have you downloaded this pack? I want it to come home :(

Hi there, I apologise if this is a topic in progress or in the wrong box but i did a quick search and got zip.
So anyway I encountered a total life destroying crisis of that just as I was about to start replaying BG I found that the voice packs I made for Tank Girl (from the deliciously hammy movie) and The Warden (from super jail) had vanished from all three of my computers, my portable hard drive, the raw files from Protools and my CD backups. Luckily my voice pack for Galen from Crusade was still floating about in a backup (and weirdly still in circulation on the internet, unaccredited to me, Bastards).
So firstly I was wondering if anyone had download a voice pack for Tank Girl or The Warden that I may have uploaded somewhere and totally forgot about (TBH I may re-do The Warden as with the original I lifted it from the show and it had the music and foley all over it which was dumb because also on the dvd is a story board without out all that crap but I have no wish to trawl through Tank Girl yet again unless I have to).
Secondly, I finished a voice pack for Robin from Robin of Sherwood almost a year ago that I know I didn't upload somewhere and would like to do so before it to vanishes off somewhere (I had intended to do a npc but I could never get Weidu to work for me), so does anyone know of somewhere that hosts this kind of stuff these days or has the cyber police outlawed fun entirely?
So anyway I encountered a total life destroying crisis of that just as I was about to start replaying BG I found that the voice packs I made for Tank Girl (from the deliciously hammy movie) and The Warden (from super jail) had vanished from all three of my computers, my portable hard drive, the raw files from Protools and my CD backups. Luckily my voice pack for Galen from Crusade was still floating about in a backup (and weirdly still in circulation on the internet, unaccredited to me, Bastards).
So firstly I was wondering if anyone had download a voice pack for Tank Girl or The Warden that I may have uploaded somewhere and totally forgot about (TBH I may re-do The Warden as with the original I lifted it from the show and it had the music and foley all over it which was dumb because also on the dvd is a story board without out all that crap but I have no wish to trawl through Tank Girl yet again unless I have to).
Secondly, I finished a voice pack for Robin from Robin of Sherwood almost a year ago that I know I didn't upload somewhere and would like to do so before it to vanishes off somewhere (I had intended to do a npc but I could never get Weidu to work for me), so does anyone know of somewhere that hosts this kind of stuff these days or has the cyber police outlawed fun entirely?