Steam Update v1.0.2014 Game Behaviour (Select All Key and Map Scrolling)

Yesterday, My Baldurs Gate: EE was updated when I logged into Steam.
I am not sure what the old version was but the new version is v1.0.2014.
Since this update, I have encountered two issues which are making playing the game a little frustrating.
1) I cannot use the = key to Select All. Pressing this key zooms in. This may not seem like a big issue but before this was a problem, I used this key a lot.
2) I play in full screen mode and often minimize the game when travelling through maps. The problem I have now is that when I go back into the game I am unable to scroll the screen either right or down (east or south) but I can still scroll left and up (west and north). If I open the map or inventory and then close the screen, I can continue to scroll across the map in any direction I choose.
Are these known issues with v1.0.2014 or is it just me? These problems never occurred before the update. I have tried starting a new game and still have the same issues.
Is there anything I can do to fix this?
Yesterday, My Baldurs Gate: EE was updated when I logged into Steam.
I am not sure what the old version was but the new version is v1.0.2014.
Since this update, I have encountered two issues which are making playing the game a little frustrating.
1) I cannot use the = key to Select All. Pressing this key zooms in. This may not seem like a big issue but before this was a problem, I used this key a lot.
2) I play in full screen mode and often minimize the game when travelling through maps. The problem I have now is that when I go back into the game I am unable to scroll the screen either right or down (east or south) but I can still scroll left and up (west and north). If I open the map or inventory and then close the screen, I can continue to scroll across the map in any direction I choose.
Are these known issues with v1.0.2014 or is it just me? These problems never occurred before the update. I have tried starting a new game and still have the same issues.
Is there anything I can do to fix this?
For number 2, I'm not sure. After you minimize, when you go back to the game, do you go back to fullscreen? I think the cursor needs to be almost perfectly at the edge of the game screen in order to scroll, and If you play in windowed mode it can be finicky because the you can't just move your mouse to the edge of your display screen, as it may not line up perfectly with the edge of the game screen. Other than that, I have no idea.