BG2 Thieves

Does anyone know if it possible to go through BG2 with just Imoen with disarming all traps and being able to unlock all locks. Preferably without having to rely heavily on potions and buffs. She's short of 100% in both lockpick and find traps which is quite annoying as in BG1 I would have them maxed out at 100% each before duelling.
I'm not really prepared to have Jan as that's another Mage/Thief in the party and somehow he doesn't to be in my main party for the main part of the game.
Does anyone know if it possible to go through BG2 with just Imoen with disarming all traps and being able to unlock all locks. Preferably without having to rely heavily on potions and buffs. She's short of 100% in both lockpick and find traps which is quite annoying as in BG1 I would have them maxed out at 100% each before duelling.
I'm not really prepared to have Jan as that's another Mage/Thief in the party and somehow he doesn't to be in my main party for the main part of the game.
Though potions of master thievery (lockpick/pickpocket) are abundant. Potions of perception (for traps) are less common.
Imoen only has some problems in ToB, but even this is resolvable with potions, and again equipping the thief gear.
He mocks just about everyone, and it's good to hear Anomen taken down a peg or 2 by a cheeky gnome.
When I'm an evil Mercenary with no thieving skills, though, I always go for Fade.
The author also has a redux version of her portrait:
I too recommend giving Jan a try.
His banters are brilliant.
In my current play through, i am finding out exactly how powerful Yoshimo is in the group. Korgan opens the door and draws out the baddie. Then Yoshimo sneaks up behind them and hey-presto guts em. He is actually tracking at something like 48% of total damage dealt so far.
I always use Jan anyway, so I've never got any thieving issue (I don't bother backstabbing or any other thief micro)