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Group Movement Stops when Leader gets Item

95% of the time I'm not in battle, I have my entire party selected. There are many times where I have my characters set to travel a large distance across the map as a group, but then as they travel through the area I notice an item that the group is passing by. When I click on the item, instead of just my main character stopping his movement to the other side of the map, everyone stops in their tracks while he goes towards the object. I guess what I'm asking is, wouldn't it be better if when you select to pick up an item when you have the whole group selected, only the lead character stopped what he was doing while everyone else continues on to their previous destination? Maybe it's just my play style, but it happens very often that I stop my whole party when I just meant to move my main character to the item, and I never seem to remember to select just my main character before instinctively clicking on the item the moment I notice it.
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