Moonblade, now what?

I went down into the mines and when I got to level 4 I found Xan ahead of the bad boss. Since my party was full and I didn't want to drop anyone, he got mad and went off in a huff. Then I did the Boss & his pals, looted the place. I now have the Moonblade but can't wheld it, nor sell it. At least when I tried at the Carnival I couldn't.
What now? Drop it? Keep it to sell somewhere? Oh, and no I didn't go out the exit from that cave, I went back up through the previous levels.
What now? Drop it? Keep it to sell somewhere? Oh, and no I didn't go out the exit from that cave, I went back up through the previous levels.
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Character-specific items should be equippable by a rogue with UAI in BG2. However, I'm pretty sure Edwin's necklace cannot be unequipped, and Baeloth isn't returning as a party member.
And btw, Use Any Item wouldn't work for the Moonblade, cuz it's not a class/race/stat/whatever restriction.
The Protagonist is not the center of the Forgotten Realms universe, there are some powers he should just not have :P
Now if Xan were a Blade with some decent stats instead of a low-rent Enchanter, that would be a different story ...
A moonblade was an hereditary magical longsword passed down in elf lineages
Moonblades were named in part because of the moonstones found in the pommel of each sword but also for the moon elves that wielded them, with the only exception of the half-elf assassin, Arilyn Moonblade. According to Ethlando, the mage responsible for conception and creation of the largest collection of moonblades, the other elves, such as sylvan elves and sun elves were not prohibited from claiming a blade, it was just highly unlikely.
for more information on moonblades visit this site:
still Xan is the best Npc wizard follower in a melee fight.....
Could be the reason you don't run into him again in the game.
Heh, or have a new patch have Xan show up and ask/take the blade, just to have things complete?
Admittedly, pretty funny. But, honestly, that whole awesome button meme is just another example of how contemptuous and entitled Bioware fans are. Anything the developers say more than one time they latch onto and convert into bile they can spew everywhere in their latest tantrum.
EDIT: @erg Thanks for finally showing me how to play that game. I was wondering why it was so awful, but I kept clicking that 'play' button! Very misleading.
Thing is, I teach English as a foreign language, and I'm fascinated by the use of the word "entitled". In this context it seems to mean "someone who wrongly believe that they are entitled to communicate their criticism in whatever manner they choose." Am I right? When did you (native?) speakers of English start using the word in this manner?
@TJ_Hooker @Schneidend