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Moonblade, now what?

I went down into the mines and when I got to level 4 I found Xan ahead of the bad boss. Since my party was full and I didn't want to drop anyone, he got mad and went off in a huff. Then I did the Boss & his pals, looted the place. I now have the Moonblade but can't wheld it, nor sell it. At least when I tried at the Carnival I couldn't.

What now? Drop it? Keep it to sell somewhere? Oh, and no I didn't go out the exit from that cave, I went back up through the previous levels.


  • HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,648
    If he's already left, then you might as well ditch it as its of zero use. You can't use it or sell it as its attuned to him. I kind of wish that they coded it so that when he left, he would take it. After all, its his. I tend to recruit him, equip him with it, and then leave him in the Friendly Arm. That way if I ever decide on a whim to use him, he's got it.
  • DrHappyAngryDrHappyAngry Member Posts: 1,577
    I can't stand NPC only gear that makes them more badass than you could ever be. Like Edwin's amulet of cheese and Baeloth's ring of cheese. Varrick's crossbow in DA2 made it so I never wanted to play an archer, since I could never be as good as him.
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    If you have the Moonblade before talking to Xan and then refuse him, he does take the Moonblade with him.
  • IxtabaiIxtabai Member Posts: 23
    I wonder if it is an option to place it into a safety-deposit box until your rogue is experienced enough to 'use any item'? Of course this still makes it practically worthless in BG1 (without Xan), but theoretically would this work for Xan's moonblade if you kept it? & does this work with Edwin and Baeloth's items if you are a bard (and can thus spell-cast)?!
  • MadhaxMadhax Member Posts: 1,416
    Ixtabai said:

    I wonder if it is an option to place it into a safety-deposit box until your rogue is experienced enough to 'use any item'? Of course this still makes it practically worthless in BG1 (without Xan), but theoretically would this work for Xan's moonblade if you kept it? & does this work with Edwin and Baeloth's items if you are a bard (and can thus spell-cast)?!

    Unless there's a mod somewhere to revisit BG1 areas in BG2 (or you cheese the import by pause-dropping your items before BG2 starts), this is impossible. Not sure why you'd want to anyway, the moonblade is good in BG1 but should be relatively terrible by the time UAI is available.

    Character-specific items should be equippable by a rogue with UAI in BG2. However, I'm pretty sure Edwin's necklace cannot be unequipped, and Baeloth isn't returning as a party member.
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    Personal items that aren't weapons don't drop. Edwin's necklace, Alora's lucky charm, Baeloth' ring, Minsc's Boo won't be on their bodies if you kill them/they die and you can't remove them in the inventory.
  • SpaceInvaderSpaceInvader Member Posts: 2,125
    edited March 2013
    I can equip it. Trololololol
    And btw, Use Any Item wouldn't work for the Moonblade, cuz it's not a class/race/stat/whatever restriction.
  • IkMarcIkMarc Member Posts: 552

    I can't stand NPC only gear that makes them more badass than you could ever be. Like Edwin's amulet of cheese and Baeloth's ring of cheese. Varrick's crossbow in DA2 made it so I never wanted to play an archer, since I could never be as good as him.

    I see, but I don't think Xan's moonblade fits into this category then. I mean a mage with 13 strength and 7 constitution wielding a longsword... Not exactly badass imo.
  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356
    @IkMarc: the Moonblade used to be a shortsword in the original game, but in BGee it's been re-classified as a dagger for consistency with Mage proficiencies. It was never a longsword. Not that that matters, I agree with your main point, it doesn't make Xan a melee monster, merely a little less useless in melee than other pureclass mages.
  • IkMarcIkMarc Member Posts: 552

    @IkMarc: the Moonblade used to be a shortsword in the original game, but in BGee it's been re-classified as a dagger for consistency with Mage proficiencies. It was never a longsword. Not that that matters, I agree with your main point, it doesn't make Xan a melee monster, merely a little less useless in melee than other pureclass mages.

    I know but it seems supposed to emulate a longsword in stats and appearance, while having classification to be wearable by a mage.
  • Jared4242Jared4242 Member Posts: 130

    I can't stand NPC only gear that makes them more badass than you could ever be. Like Edwin's amulet of cheese and Baeloth's ring of cheese. Varrick's crossbow in DA2 made it so I never wanted to play an archer, since I could never be as good as him.

    Go read Elaine Cunningham's Songs and Swords Series. There is a reason a Moonblade can only have one owner.

    The Protagonist is not the center of the Forgotten Realms universe, there are some powers he should just not have :P

  • FafnirFafnir Member Posts: 232

    I can't stand NPC only gear that makes them more badass than you could ever be.

    I guess the Moonblade is fine then.
  • secretmantrasecretmantra Member Posts: 259
    edited March 2013
    The Moonblade qualifies as one of the most useless magic items in BG1. It is only usable by a rinky-dink Enchanter with no combat skill and no hitpoints. Such a waste.

    Now if Xan were a Blade with some decent stats instead of a low-rent Enchanter, that would be a different story ...
  • The_Shairs_HandbookThe_Shairs_Handbook Member Posts: 219
    edited March 2013
    A moonblade was an hereditary magical longsword passed down in elf lineages
    Moonblades were named in part because of the moonstones found in the pommel of each sword but also for the moon elves that wielded them, with the only exception of the half-elf assassin, Arilyn Moonblade. According to Ethlando, the mage responsible for conception and creation of the largest collection of moonblades, the other elves, such as sylvan elves and sun elves were not prohibited from claiming a blade, it was just highly unlikely.

    for more information on moonblades visit this site:

    still Xan is the best Npc wizard follower in a melee fight.....
  • valamyrvalamyr Member Posts: 130
    Playing BGT, I once decided to stash some unique BG1 loot like this blade and Imoen's artifact (BG1NPC) in a barrel before finishing BG1. Went back to fetchit with MoveToArea. And once my bard PC got Use Any Item, he was able to use Xan's blade briefly :D
  • secretmantrasecretmantra Member Posts: 259

    still Xan is the best Npc wizard follower in a melee fight.....

    How do you come up with that? As an Enchanter, he gets hosed on spell selection. And his low CON pretty much ensures he dies in 1 strike if he tries to melee ...
  • StarlilyStarlily Member Posts: 97
    valamyr said:

    Playing BGT, I once decided to stash some unique BG1 loot like this blade and Imoen's artifact (BG1NPC) in a barrel before finishing BG1. Went back to fetchit with MoveToArea. And once my bard PC got Use Any Item, he was able to use Xan's blade briefly :D

    Humm, 'use any blade', interesting. Thanks for all the comments. Xan will die soon since I have the least according to the link mentioned in an earlier post: "Each wielder contributed a power to the sword, which would be absorbed through the moonstone in the blade's hilt. However, the wielder could not be separated from the sword for any length of time and expect to live. Each moonblade was unique, as were the powers given to them.[1]"

    Could be the reason you don't run into him again in the game. :)
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018

    Personal items that aren't weapons don't drop. Edwin's necklace, Alora's lucky charm, Baeloth' ring, Minsc's Boo won't be on their bodies if you kill them/they die and you can't remove them in the inventory.

    But... But... I want Boo.

  • IkMarcIkMarc Member Posts: 552

    Personal items that aren't weapons don't drop. Edwin's necklace, Alora's lucky charm, Baeloth' ring, Minsc's Boo won't be on their bodies if you kill them/they die and you can't remove them in the inventory.

    But... But... I want Boo.

    Shadowkeep Boo to your character ;)
  • VasculioVasculio Member Posts: 483
    The trick to keeping npcs.. is to ditch imoen and take them into your party. Then drop them off at a town and go back for her. Works for me
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    What does that have to do with the Moonblade? I'm confused.
  • VasculioVasculio Member Posts: 483

    What does that have to do with the Moonblade? I'm confused.

    Suggesting that he should have taken Xan with him. Now the Moonblade is a useless item.
  • StarlilyStarlily Member Posts: 97
    If I stash the Moonblade, say in the Friendly Arms Inn, will it still be there later in the game? What about other items left, say in the Nashkel mines?
    Heh, or have a new patch have Xan show up and ask/take the blade, just to have things complete?
  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190
    bgplaya said:


    Speaketh not of the unnameable abomination in this most holiest of sites!
    DA2 was awesome.
  • ErgErg Member Posts: 1,756

    bgplaya said:


    Speaketh not of the unnameable abomination in this most holiest of sites!
    DA2 was awesome.
  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190
    edited March 2013
    Admittedly, pretty funny. But, honestly, that whole awesome button meme is just another example of how contemptuous and entitled Bioware fans are. Anything the developers say more than one time they latch onto and convert into bile they can spew everywhere in their latest tantrum.

  • bgplayabgplaya Member Posts: 129
    edited March 2013

    Admittedly, pretty funny. But, honestly, that whole awesome button meme is just another example of how contemptuous and entitled Bioware fans are. Anything the developers say more than one time they latch onto and convert into bile they can spew everywhere in their latest tantrum.

    Just because a person doesn't agree with you on what a good game is doesn't make them 'contemptuous and entitled.' And entitled to what, exactly? I most certainly am entitled to complain if a game I spend hard earned money on ends up living to about 0 of my expectations.

    EDIT: @erg Thanks for finally showing me how to play that game. I was wondering why it was so awful, but I kept clicking that 'play' button! Very misleading.
  • TJ_HookerTJ_Hooker Member Posts: 2,438
    edited March 2013
    bgplaya said:

    Admittedly, pretty funny. But, honestly, that whole awesome button meme is just another example of how contemptuous and entitled Bioware fans are. Anything the developers say more than one time they latch onto and convert into bile they can spew everywhere in their latest tantrum.

    Just because a person doesn't agree with you on what a good game is doesn't make them 'contemptuous and entitled.' And entitled to what, exactly? I most certainly am entitled to complain if a game I spend hard earned money on ends up living to about 0 of my expectations.
    There are those such as yourself who didn't like the game, and expressed this in a calm and rational manner. Then there are those who didn't like the game, saw that there was a big ol' hate-filled bandwagon to jump on, and then went raging all over the internet about how DA2 was the worst game ever made, that Bioware was dead to them now, etc. Based on what I've seen of these people, I would consider calling them "comtemptuous and entitled" to be fair.
  • EleutherosEleutheros Member Posts: 70
    OK, I'm going even more off topic now, but the moonblade-stuff seems like it's answered.

    Thing is, I teach English as a foreign language, and I'm fascinated by the use of the word "entitled". In this context it seems to mean "someone who wrongly believe that they are entitled to communicate their criticism in whatever manner they choose." Am I right? When did you (native?) speakers of English start using the word in this manner?

    @TJ_Hooker @Schneidend
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