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Importing Black Pits to Baldur's Gate?

MestarMestar Member Posts: 78
Hi all. From what I have gathered from other boards on here, it is possible to import saved characters from the Black Pits into Baldur's Gate. However, whenever I try on the iPad 2, all I see are my saves from Baldur's Gate.

Is this a bug, intended, or did I misread the other topics discussing an issue with importing and still having a Ring of Slavery equipped?



  • MestarMestar Member Posts: 78
  • BJMJDBJMJD Member Posts: 192
    You can not import from the save. You have to do this way:

    In your game, go to your character record, there you should have a button " EXPORT ", clic on it. When you create your character, click on import, you will have the choice between save and file, choose file.

    When you import a character, it keeps it gear. So for me it is not a bug to keep the Ring of Slavery.
  • MestarMestar Member Posts: 78
    Ah, that works. Thank you very much.
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