Book/tome query

I have tried to find an answer but came up with nothing. Excuse me if it has been answered.
I have found tons, or it seems like tons,
of books of History of blah, blah vol. 1-9, etc. Other than Firebread's quest and a suggestion of a book to read (which I haven't found yet) of what use are those books? They only sell for 1gp. I had the passing fancy to make my own library when I found a home/castle.
But other than selling, what use are they? And no, I don't mean the stat increase tomes. Thanks.
Not on the subject but how do I find coordinates on screen? I've noticed walkthroughs and hints sites that mention "you can find the Sword of Babafett at x9210", etc. I'm on a Mac. What key(s) do I press to view them?
*sword name made up.
I have found tons, or it seems like tons,

Not on the subject but how do I find coordinates on screen? I've noticed walkthroughs and hints sites that mention "you can find the Sword of Babafett at x9210", etc. I'm on a Mac. What key(s) do I press to view them?
*sword name made up.

Can't help you with the coordinates thing, unfortunately. Never tried to use that.
Those instructions are for Windows, but hopefully the process will be nearly the same for Mac.
If it still doesn't work, then I don't know.