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Baldur’s Gate I: Tales of the Sword Coast

morgy321morgy321 Member Posts: 36
will you guys add this or are we only going to see the original

reasen i ask is i did never play true tales of the sword coast as i got pissed at the mages and stopt

but would be nice to have it in as i do like to do all i can


  • RenshtalisRenshtalis Member Posts: 136
    From what Trent has tweeted, BG:EE will ship with ToSC as standard. So you won't need to DLC it.
  • morgy321morgy321 Member Posts: 36
    cool so if i am not mistaken then it will be both games in one with a exstra set of stuff to do

    wow thats going to be a not only long game but realy good game for sure

    sweet as i did find tales of the sword coast to be good intill i did find this gang og mages that just kild me to i stoped play
  • RenshtalisRenshtalis Member Posts: 136
    Yep! Wettin my pants for the end of September!
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