And might I say, having only just checked this out for the first time, how awesome the zoom feature is now in Windowed mode. That rocks! (So much easier now for me to journal the experimental game I'm running! Versus tabbing back and forth between a Word document and the game screen, I mean.)
Okay, well actually I remember now that I had used windowed mode before and unfortunately it remains very difficult (at least with my computer, which otherwise runs the game flawlessly) to move the windowed area around within the larger map using the cursor that way. So unfortunately back to tabbing from full screen to Word doc I go.
Ouch. Found major surprise discrepancy between windowed mode and full screen mod. In the full screen mode, the armor classes of Charname and Viconia are -6 and -2 (in inventory page). In the Window mode, the armor classes are 6 and 2.
the armor classes are 6 and 2.