Avenger kit

Lets talk about the Druid Avenger kit for a moment shall we. First off, why is it even called Avenger? The name makes no sense for the kit. (I admit the Joss Whedon flick was awesome though)
But I digress. Lets talk about them in game. For the first seven levels or so you will simply be a crappy version of a regular Druid. With both low starting stats in strength and the ability to only wear leather armor. However at level 7 you gain the ability to turn into a crappy animal, like a spider, that's right the same animal that even Imoen with her short sword can solo and easily defeat at this level of the game.
Sorry guys I'd play a wizard slayer over this kit any day of the week.
But I digress. Lets talk about them in game. For the first seven levels or so you will simply be a crappy version of a regular Druid. With both low starting stats in strength and the ability to only wear leather armor. However at level 7 you gain the ability to turn into a crappy animal, like a spider, that's right the same animal that even Imoen with her short sword can solo and easily defeat at this level of the game.
Sorry guys I'd play a wizard slayer over this kit any day of the week.
The additional shapeshift options are not "crappy" as you put it; they each come with their own set of advantages. Granted, they are not incredibly powerful or anything, but you're not a run-off-the-mill random spider either.
The biggest draw however are the mage spells you gain. This adds a lot of offensive casting power to a class that usually has limitations in that respect. Nearly all of the spells can be at least somewhat useful, and add something to the druid repertoire that you wouldn't normally have access to.
That being said, I agree that it's not the strongest class around. The -stat penalties are pretty harsh for the bonuses you get in return, and Avenger is often cited as one of the weaker kits in the game. Still not even close to as useless as Wizard Slayer though :P
And I honestly don't think wizard slayer is that bad, it's as good as a regular fighter plus has a couple perks. Sure cant use some equipment, but I don't find that to be the huge drawback that others claim. Perhaps in BG2 it will matter more? I've never used the kit in the second game.
Doom+Greater Malison+Chromatic Orb.
Web+Ring of Free Action x 2 on Melee.
Can act as a party healer.
Chaos. Need I say more?
Shapeshift to Spider while enemies are webbed.
Just a few examples. I love Avenger. It has everything it needs to compliment a balanced party unless they've tweaked it from BG2.
As for stat penalties; what penalties? You only need 15 Con to begin with, ( Tome to 16 for max HP on level up ) and 16 Str is fine ( again, Tome to 17 for +1 to hit and +1 damage ). If you're looking for a tank or someone to do damage in melee, check the Fighter classes.
With two Rings of Fire resistance ( one on each tank ) they have 90% fire resistance. More, if they have the Helm of Glory. "Oh noes! They took damagez and I can't get to them!" Heal Party.
Avenger's great.
The Avenger's Spider form does have a niche, though: 4 attacks per round, plus poison, plus immunity to Web means you have a situation in which you can use it.
Cleric for buffs + Avenger for utility and healing = awesome multiplayer backline.
Also, if the Avenger needs to get to the frontline to heal, put one of the two Free Action rings on and do it. One of the frontliners should be using Spider's Bane anyways so the extra ring should be on you, or the Cleric so she/he can renew Prayer close enough to include the melee members.
The forms have their uses but aren't earth-shattering, but the Avenger spell selection is excellent.
@Fardragon - Exactly, the big Avenger perk is the extra spells.
- You only need 16 con anyway.
- Str isn't exactly a useful stats for druids.
- With leather armour your AC will only be 1 worse than a regular druid. Your best bet from mid game onwards (even for a regular druid) is not not bother with armour and use Bracers of Protection and a Ring/Amulet/Cloak of Protection for the best AC (and save bonuses).
Those are some incredibly minor trades for the spells you get access to. I personally think Web is possibly the best spell in the game.
web+iron skins+haste+sword spider form is a useful way to navigate around a sticky map attacking mages and softer enemies while the tanks take on the big hitters
I personally just use Leather+3 because it looks cool. Same with Leather+1 ( blackish unless it's changed ). Why? Because I stand in the back slingin', castin' and laughin'. Just put the Boots of Avoidance on and you'll be fine.
If for some reason you feel you need to go have a conversation with your frontline during battle, there's Iron Skins and Bark Skin. Bark to lower AC, and Iron to nullify a few melee/arrows that get through Barks AC bonus.