Create new kits with dual-classing

I've seen some pretty nasty dual class combinations on the forum and I've been experimenting with a couple of my own in BP. The task is to create a new kit with description and listing their minimum stat requirements, advantages and disadvantages etc. the idea is to have it created so you can play most of the game as the new "kit", so to dual at lvl 3 or whatever. here's one i've found pretty handy:
The Informant (Priest of Helm lvl3 or 4>Thief)
The Informant is a Thief often in the employment of the local authorities and police force. Their task is to infiltrate criminal organisations; gather information; highlight threats, leaders and plots and then report back. Their skills are tailored to discovering and disabling and when the raid comes they have enough strength of arms to mix it up on the frontline.
Advantages: True Sight once per day. Seeking Sword once per day (compatible with backstab). Access to level 1 and 2 divine spells. For RP flavour use: Sanctuary, Detect Evil (i know, i know) and Command Hold Person and Silence. When levelling Thief skills, put more of your points into Move Silently, Open Locks and Detect Illusion.
Disadvantages: Human only. Neutral only. Min Stats: Dex/17 and Wis/17
Now then, what you have got for me? (Hint: The nasty combo I saw involved Assassin>Fighter as a Poison Archer)
The Informant (Priest of Helm lvl3 or 4>Thief)
The Informant is a Thief often in the employment of the local authorities and police force. Their task is to infiltrate criminal organisations; gather information; highlight threats, leaders and plots and then report back. Their skills are tailored to discovering and disabling and when the raid comes they have enough strength of arms to mix it up on the frontline.
Advantages: True Sight once per day. Seeking Sword once per day (compatible with backstab). Access to level 1 and 2 divine spells. For RP flavour use: Sanctuary, Detect Evil (i know, i know) and Command Hold Person and Silence. When levelling Thief skills, put more of your points into Move Silently, Open Locks and Detect Illusion.
Disadvantages: Human only. Neutral only. Min Stats: Dex/17 and Wis/17
Now then, what you have got for me? (Hint: The nasty combo I saw involved Assassin>Fighter as a Poison Archer)
Post edited by mjs on
Not the worst idea! I suppose there could be more such interesting combinations out there, particularly when clerics are involved.
Cleric->Necromancer maybe? I imagine the loss of a loved one and turning to darker arts in order to get them back... a classic, really.
Here's another one
Shade Archer (Assassin lvl 3 or 5>Fighter)
Despite the name, a Shade Archer is not limited to bows, but is an expert at ranged weaponry. The Shade Archer is a master at ghosting into battles to flank unsuspecting enemies, often targeting the weakest with poison arrows, bolts or darts. A practitioner of the dark arts of poison, stealth and surprise attacks, Shade Archers make excellent pre-emptive strikes to disable spell-casters before the battle begins.
Advantages: Poison once per day (twice for level 5). Drop all your thief points into move silently for roughly 100% stealth ability. +1 to hit and damage. x2 backstab. grand mastery in a single weapon (ranged for RP, but that's self-imposed)
Disadvantages: Human only
Priest of Velsharoon (Necromancer lvl 6 -> Cleric)
The Priest of Velsharoon is a juggler with the forces of life and death. His early studies in necromancy lead him to the teachings of Velsharoon and made him tap into divine forces. His agenda is to preserve and prolong life, by any means neccessary. While an efficient healer to the wounded, this cleric does not shy away from resurrecting those too far gone as undead creatures.
Advantages: Access to arcane and divine spells. (Self imposed: Use all cleric lvl 3 spells for Summon Undead)
Disadvantages: Human only. Alignment must be evil.
Wu Jen:
Wu jen are akin to wizards in a land where there are no wizard colleges and mentorship is hard to find. Some reject the structures and traditions of their societies, becoming hermits or traveling mystics in distant lands. These are most likely to be found acting as makeshift shamans for the tribes of Purang in Malatra. Wu jen are often withdrawn and solitary, focusing on personal power and self improvement. Nevertheless, they serve important roles as advisors to the emperor of Shou Lung. Unlike samurai and shugenja, however, wu jen frequently leave their employers to venture into the world. Their chaotic natures lead them to abandon ties to hierarchies, instead going off on their own to expand their personal power.
Cleric 5 → Mage 9; a chaotic, untrained mystic.
The way I envision it is that the character has found Mystra (or another magical deity?) spiritually, eventually becoming what is essentially an untrained Mage.
3rd level divine spells
5th level arcane spells
Can use helmets, shields, elven chainmail
Lags schooled mages in spell progression
Human only
Chaotic alignment only
Alternatively dual at Cleric 3 – you'll get a lot less divine spells though.
Sohei are similar to monks in their ascetic pursuit of bodily perfection while secluded in monasteries, but they are less academic, favoring zeal over philosophy. As a paladin is a hybrid of fighter and cleric, sohei are hybrids of monks and clerics, monastic warriors working for a temple or a monastery and performing whatever missions and duties are required of them.
Kensai 6 → Cleric 8; zealous, perfectionist, monastic warrior.
A warrior zealously trained in the quarterstaff, not unlike a monk. The Sohei tend to think more through faith than reasoning. Their deities grant them great power.
I specialized this character in Quarterstaff to fit the RP best IMO.
Great attack & damage with quarterstaff
Lags dedicated priests in spell progression
Cannot use any armor, gauntlets or bracers
Cannot use ranged weapons
Human only
Lawful alignment only
Alternatively you can dual at Kensai 3 for less attack/damage but get your abilities back sooner.
Shugenja are the priests of Kara-Tur, spiritual guardians who focus on tapping into and balancing the natural elements. Like samurai, they usually come from the noble class, but some are also orphans adopted by noble families or inducted into the priesthood at a young age. Shugenja enter the Realms in similar ways to samurai. They act as priests and spiritual advisors to nobles along the Golden Way. When travelers from Kara-Tur found Shou Towns, Shugenja bring the old ways to the new world. They help to make small oases of tradition in very foreign environments.
Ranger 6 → Cleric 8; a priest and spiritual guardian in tune with nature.
This character is a spiritual guardian and priest of exotic peoples. He has great skill with a sling and can cast all available divine magicks.
I think the sling fits the RP concept decently and is a good place for a spellcaster to be in
Great attack & damage with sling
Can cast all divine spells
Lags dedicated priests in spell progression
Human only
Alternatively you can dual at Ranger 3 for less attack/damage but get your abilities back sooner.
In many ways, shamans are the druids of Kara-Tur. They channel the spirits of nature, respecting and reflecting the will of their ancestors. Whereas shugenja tend to serve as spiritual advisors among nobility, shamans tend to be local leaders, acting as healers, elders, and midwives. Shugenja are common among the nobility of Shou Lung, T'u Lung, Wa, Kozakura, and Koryo. Shamans are fairly common among the local populace of these nations but are more prevalent in Tabot, Ra-Khati, Bawa, and Malatra. Shamans are also found in the Northern Wastes, where they act as natural guardians and as the crafters of minor amulets and fetishes of protection and healing. Shamans might also be found outside of Kara-Tur among the Uthgardt barbarians who worship totems of animals and magical beasts. Other naturalistic and animistic cultures may also possess a form of shamanism. Whether this is shamanic tradition or a spirit shamanic tradition varies depending on dogma and philosophy (see below).
Berserker 6 → Druid 10; naturalistic, animalistic.
A man of the wild in tune with nature. A tribesman serving as the shaman of a village is capable of casting nature-based spells. Being brought up in the harsh wilderness he's not afraid to pick up his quarterstaff to punish those who would threaten his people.
Mechanically similar to the Sohei but quite different in RP concept.
Great attack & damage with quarterstaff
Can Rage
Lags dedicated druids in spell progression
Cannot specialize in ranged weapons
Human only
Non-Lawful alignment only
Alternatively you can dual at Berserker 3 for less attack/damage but get your abilities back sooner.
These are awesome. i particularly like the Sohei. for those who want their monks with quarterstaves, it's a cool option!