One Modal Button: solving one big BG UI problem

BG(1/2) has a lot of different modal abilities which a character can attempt:
- Guard
- Turn Undead
- Stealth
- Detect Traps / Illusions
- Bard Song
These modal abilities share a couple of features:
- You can only do one of them at a time.
- Feedback about the ability is provided in the button itself (highlight around the ability, or greyed out for a Stealth cooldown).
My insight is as follows: since you can only do one of these at a time, you don't need multiple buttons. Let's just have one button for ALL modal abilities. You can switch which modal ability is available just like you switch between quick spells: right click (or long tap) to bring up a list of available modal abilities, pick one, done.
This will be hugely useful to the Cleric/Thief, but it will benefit everyone with more than one modal action, including every plain old Thief.
It also opens the door to allowing kits / effects which grant extra modal buttons, if the developers wish to grant that ability to modders. Like, a Necromancer who can Turn Undead, or a Paladin of Sune who can sing.
- Guard
- Turn Undead
- Stealth
- Detect Traps / Illusions
- Bard Song
These modal abilities share a couple of features:
- You can only do one of them at a time.
- Feedback about the ability is provided in the button itself (highlight around the ability, or greyed out for a Stealth cooldown).
My insight is as follows: since you can only do one of these at a time, you don't need multiple buttons. Let's just have one button for ALL modal abilities. You can switch which modal ability is available just like you switch between quick spells: right click (or long tap) to bring up a list of available modal abilities, pick one, done.
This will be hugely useful to the Cleric/Thief, but it will benefit everyone with more than one modal action, including every plain old Thief.
It also opens the door to allowing kits / effects which grant extra modal buttons, if the developers wish to grant that ability to modders. Like, a Necromancer who can Turn Undead, or a Paladin of Sune who can sing.
However, that would be useful if the new version of the engine implemented the "weapon combo" functionality from IWD2. Then you'd need more space for weapons in the lower toolbar.
I don't see that happening, though. Pity.
So the fact that the buttons exhibit modal hysteresis is actually a benefit, and will make people's lives better, even if they don't know what "hysteresis" means, and if "sticky clusters" just makes them hungry.
Basically, it's a solution for Cleric/Thief and adds to modder tools. Sounds nice.
I'm not proposing that BG(1/2) gain that full degree of customization, but it is a step in that direction!
I'll make a thread over in Feature Requests.