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New vs Old

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  1. New vs Old178 votes
    1. Yes. I played the original Baldur's Gate before BG EE
    2. No. Baldur's Gate EE is my first game in the series.
    3. Onward, to futility!


  • PhyraxPhyrax Member Posts: 198
    BG:TotSC was the first game I purchased!

    I remember waiting until it was available in Dutch stores, took weeks.

    During those weeks I watched the 'trailer' hours on end, it had some gnolls walking from one side of the screen to the other. The idea was that it tested whether your videocard was able to display the game.
  • KingGhidorahKingGhidorah Member Posts: 201
    Phyrax said:

    I remember waiting until it was available in Dutch stores, took weeks.

    Ah yes I remember back in the 90's that video game release dates here in the Netherlands were dates you really couldn't count on.
    I remember waiting 6 extra months because IWD wasn't available anywhere, even though it did get an "official dutch release" that time.

    But yes, I played BG & ToSC first. Bought it when i was around 13 i reckon.
  • ItstucktwiceItstucktwice Member Posts: 182
    I played the first Baldur's Gate when I was really young, as I was only 9 or 10 when it came out. I didn't have the attention span to beat it at the time as I remember the farthest I got was the bandit camp. Then when I was a teenager I played SOA and TOB and afterwards went back to replay the first game.

    The series quickly became my favorite of all time and I have played through it dozens of times over the years.
  • StickanStickan Member Posts: 136
    edited March 2013
    I first played it at a friend's in 98 aged 11 after having been hooked on computer games a couple of years ealier through the original Warcraft and Diablo games.

    The freedom allowed in BG was staggering to me. I remember how me and my friend thought we "broke the system" by killing a watcher in Candlekeep to get a platemail for our F/M/T at level 1 (cause more classes had to be better right?). Ah the follies of youth...

    I also credit much of my english education to Baldur's Gate.

    Edit: It was also the first game I ever bought myself.
  • The_Shairs_HandbookThe_Shairs_Handbook Member Posts: 219
    edited March 2013
    played any dnd games I could find... and I still hate all the 3rd edition classes that been in BG games... Bg is 2nd edition after all....

    Bg series
    Icewind dale series
    NWN series
    Blood and magic
    and so on
  • OzzyBotkinsOzzyBotkins Member Posts: 396
    Baldur's Gate was the 2nd game on my first computer way back when
    Still one of my all time favorites
    Baldur's Gate Is Back
  • WebShamanWebShaman Member Posts: 490
    Man, am I the only one who started with the Gold Box series, way back when? You know, the Pool of Radiance, Curse of the Azure Bonds, The Secret of the Silver Blades, etc?

    I sort of skipped BG - and went straight to NWN, then The Temple of Elemental Evil (Circle of Eight version), then Pool of Radiance II (what a disaster!), and then finally BG.
  • The_Shairs_HandbookThe_Shairs_Handbook Member Posts: 219
    WebShaman said:

    Man, am I the only one who started with the Gold Box series, way back when? You know, the Pool of Radiance, Curse of the Azure Bonds, The Secret of the Silver Blades, etc?

    I sort of skipped BG - and went straight to NWN, then The Temple of Elemental Evil (Circle of Eight version), then Pool of Radiance II (what a disaster!), and then finally BG.

    naa I played The Temple of Elemental Evil,Planescape torment and the Dragoon lance games.. like Heroes of the Lance the rest...

    But I tried to keep myself only to forgotten realms games... not the othe DnD worlds....
  • PantalionPantalion Member Posts: 2,137
    Acknowledging their futility is the only appropriate response to polls.

    And yes, I started with the Gold Box series, particularly the Eye of the Beholder series, which were awesome and still merit an occasional play nowadays.
  • Magnus_GrelichMagnus_Grelich Member Posts: 361
    One day, back in about 99/2000, I came upstairs to ask my dad something, and noticed he was playing this game I'd not seen before. I asked him what it was and watched for a bit before going back downstairs. When I got to go on the PC later, I gave it a try. It seemed pretty complex and I don't think I did very well at it, but I was intrigued, and started reading the manual to get a better idea of how it works. Tried again. Still tough, but I did better, and decided to stick with it. Never actually finished it back then, but then... BG2 was out and reviewed! Wow! Tried that when we got it. "Holy crap! You start off at level 7! Much more fun!" I think it was that fact alone that encouraged me to persevere with BG1, and gain a greater appreciation for the gameplay.:)
  • WanderonWanderon Member Posts: 1,418
    Ahhh sweet memories of youth - I was fresh from RTK and a mere youngster in my 50s when I discovered BG and embarked on a long standing affair with all the IE games!
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,453
    WebShaman said:

    Man, am I the only one who started with the Gold Box series, way back when? You know, the Pool of Radiance, Curse of the Azure Bonds, The Secret of the Silver Blades, etc?

    I sort of skipped BG - and went straight to NWN, then The Temple of Elemental Evil (Circle of Eight version), then Pool of Radiance II (what a disaster!), and then finally BG.

    I played the Gold Box games too, they were my favorites until BG came along! But my CRPGs go back further than that, Ultima II, Phantasie, Wizardry I.
    I'm an oldie.
  • TyranusTyranus Member Posts: 268
    I got Baldur's Gate for Christmas. My Dad says to me...

    "You know when we play Dungeons and Dragons together?"
    "This is supposed to be like that!"

    I was hooked instantly. I played it for over a year before I actually finished the game. I explored every damn inch of every map on multiple characters, back before you could TAB-highlight.

    I love you, TAB-highlight.
  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190
    Like @Phyrax, Baldur's Gate was my first game I purchased for myself. I was like 12, and it was magical.
  • LadyEibhilinRhettLadyEibhilinRhett Member Posts: 1,078
    edited March 2013
    Yes, I played the original before EE. I'm a longtime fan.

    But dammit, you give me a Xan quote, I'm going to pick that option every time. . -c .

    ((BG wasn't my introduction to the genre, though. The first IE game I played was Icewind Dale. The first D&D computer game I played was Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor. Speaking of which, am I the only one who actually LIKED RoMD? It seems to get a lot of hate around the internet.))
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    I am really curious as to how the market breaks down and if this poll is in any reflective of the gaming community (purchasers of BG:EE) as a whole. I suspected that a large percentage would be 'Re-'players of the game. I am just curious as to how many new players there are.
  • RnRClownRnRClown Member Posts: 182
    The original Baldur's Gate was one of the first games which I purchased for myself. I can still remember those first few games I was able to go out and get on my own. They were the likes of Silent Hill, Diablo 2, WWF Attitude, and of course Baldur's Gate. I would have been around 16 years old at the time. I actually got both Baldur's Gate + Tales of the Sword Coast, and Baldur's Gate 2 + Throne of Bhaal, as a bundle from my local Electronics Boutique (which later became GAME). I purchased two bundles. One for myself, and one for my best friend.

    I went on to become immersed in Baldur's Gate. I loved it! It took a degree of adjustment coming from Diablo 2 which was pure hack n' slash, and a game I continued to enjoy for years thereafter. They were different games, but they shared a fan base which is how I was alerted of the existence of Baldur's Gate.

    Baldur's Gate was my first truly epic experience in video games, and one that has never really been replicated. The sense of freedom. The authentic nature of an adventurer's life. The griping storyline. The memorable characters. The beautiful game world, as well as the engaging sound effects and awe inspiring music. The sense of progression and the depth of the gameplay appeared endless. The fact I am playing it now speaks volumes of the quality, some 12 years on.
  • JalilyJalily Member Posts: 4,681

    I am really curious as to how the market breaks down and if this poll is in any reflective of the gaming community (purchasers of BG:EE) as a whole. I suspected that a large percentage would be 'Re-'players of the game. I am just curious as to how many new players there are.

    I don't think the forum population is representative of the playerbase.

    1) The people who most anticipated the game and signed up months before release to discuss it were the longtime fans. As a result, people got into the habit of assuming everyone else had played the game to the point where newbies were encouraged to leave the forum to avoid tons of spoilers.

    2) Many if not most of the new players were expected to come from iPad sales, but the forum badges for Windows preorders, the fact that the game has been out a lot longer for PC, and the fact that pre-release bug reports and feature requests had to come from people already familiar with the game contribute to a disproportional number of the original fanbase signing up in the first place.

    I would also guess that those who have fond memories of the originals and need not fear BG2 spoilers check back here more often.
  • SylphSylph Member Posts: 210
    Seems like forever ago, haha. I don't remember much other than I was awful at it :)
  • DetroitRedWings25DetroitRedWings25 Member Posts: 244
    original of course ive played it dozens of times over the years, thats what i love about the enhanced edition makes it fresh and exciting again.
  • KilivitzKilivitz Member Posts: 1,459
    I played the original tons of times and even though the EE is too loaded with new, nice features to make me want to go back, the original BG1 will always have a sort of unparalleled charm to it.
  • CoM_SolaufeinCoM_Solaufein Member Posts: 2,606
    I bought and played the original when it was first released.
  • MetallomanMetalloman Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,975
    Fifteen years, guys, fifteen years.

  • Nic_MercyNic_Mercy Member Posts: 423
    edited March 2013
    I started with gold box games... I think secret of the silver blades was my first.. and then the savage frontier games. I played pool of radiance on the NES with its varying shades of brown...

    Then of course the BG games (along with planescape and IWD) were like the most super advanced thing evar! NWN was even more epic and gave me years (and still does on occasion) of entertainment. NWN2 not so much sadly. NWN2 was kind of a let down to me. The toolset was more advanced but way harder to do anything worthwhile with.
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    @Nic_Mercy, LOL. I remember playing the original Gold Box Pool of Radiance WAAAAAY back when computers didn't have hard drives. You had to swap out 5.25 disks as you traveled through Phlan. I remember at the time thinking that the graphics were unreal and AWESOME!!!!

    I have to say I have very fond memories of those early game days. The Gold box games were awesome pretty much all of them. Then BG came along and improved things. I liked NWN1-2 as well, but admit that the BG series really set the bar and has never been challenged since.
  • WilburWilbur Member Posts: 1,173
    I've played original Baldur's Gate several times with and without TotSC expansion before buying BGEE. And I've also played BG Tutu.
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