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did the WeiDU mod installation process change?

KenzeKenze Member Posts: 27
The way I was told and have been installing WeiDU mods was copy mod to the 00766 folder, then copy the dialog.tlk from the lang/en_US to the 00766 folder, run the mod install .exe, then copy the dialog.tlk back to the lang/en_US folder and overwrite. Now Im seeing and reading instructions for newer mods that dont mention moving and overwriting the .tlk but instead have a .bat file to install the mod. How do I handle these mixed installation processes?



  • NifftNifft Member Posts: 1,065
    Read the .bat file, it's probably got text like

    --tlkin .\lang\en_US\dialog.tlk --tlkout .\lang\en_US\dialog.tlk
    ... which directs weidu to use a specific dialog.tlk instead of forcing you to copy the file around.

    I'd suggest always using that method rather than copying the file around.
  • ErgErg Member Posts: 1,756
    You can also create a hard link to dialog.tlk. See here for instructions on how to do it.

    With the hard link in place, you don't have to worry anymore about copying the file around, while still being able to install mods with and without the .bat file.
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