Nemesis concept

This the thing I was thinking about to play a cleric of Hoar The god of doom, Vengance and retribution.
Hoar have two orders of cleric they are called Nemesis and Doombringer
A Nemesis or Doombringer have 3 diffrient weapon skill one in b-type of weapon, one in S-type of weapon and one in p-type of weapon
the god himself runs around with javeline and broad sword.. There are no Broad sword or javeline in Bg games...
so I was thinking of Longsword as slashing weapon, spear as piercing weapon and mace as B-type weapon
in short this is what it says about cleric of Hoar:
Driven, obsessive, unstoppable, and with a burning desire
to see evil deeds avenged, the nemesis considers
himself Hoars appointed judge, jury, and executioner. A
nemesis can work well with a scale or a hand of Tyr,
since their missions are similar. However, those priests of
Tyr are prompted by respect for the law and a wish to see
justice served. A nemesis is motivated solely out of vengeance,
either for himself or for the victims who cannot
avenge themselves.
Nemesis or Doombringers:
WEAPONS: At least one blunt, one piercing, and one slashing weapon
REQUIREMENTS: Dexterity 10, Wisdom 9
Special benifit
Clerics if Hoar can incite a focused rage once a day in themselves. This rage allowed them a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls against a specific being or group of beings they are seeking to bring satisfactory justice against and a +2 bonus to all saving throws. It takes one full round to incite this rage, which then lasts a turn or ceases earlier if all foes of the identified type are dead or unconscious. While in a focused rage, the recipient cannot flee from a fight against his or her targets. The target of the rage must be specific, such as "Therian Blackbeard," "this man before me identified as the murderer of an innocent child," or "the outlaws here of the Flaming Sword band." This cannot be applied to all creatures of a type, such as "all orcs," or "all thieves," and the group or individual the rage is focused on must be the target of a mission of righteous justice the Cleric is engaged in completing.
*Clerics of Hoar cannot turn undead, but if they make a successful attempt to command undead, they can order unliving creatures to seek out and attack their creators regardless of any commands (magical or otherwise) to the contrary, assuming the monsters did not seek undeath prior to their transformation.
The closes thing I can think of is dual class Berseker/cleric or playing half-elf Fighter/cleric
the bad news are Berserker cannot be LN aligment.... if i should dual class what lvl should i Dual class.. and so on
If you have other ideés pleaser share it here...
Hoar have two orders of cleric they are called Nemesis and Doombringer
A Nemesis or Doombringer have 3 diffrient weapon skill one in b-type of weapon, one in S-type of weapon and one in p-type of weapon
the god himself runs around with javeline and broad sword.. There are no Broad sword or javeline in Bg games...
so I was thinking of Longsword as slashing weapon, spear as piercing weapon and mace as B-type weapon
in short this is what it says about cleric of Hoar:
Driven, obsessive, unstoppable, and with a burning desire
to see evil deeds avenged, the nemesis considers
himself Hoars appointed judge, jury, and executioner. A
nemesis can work well with a scale or a hand of Tyr,
since their missions are similar. However, those priests of
Tyr are prompted by respect for the law and a wish to see
justice served. A nemesis is motivated solely out of vengeance,
either for himself or for the victims who cannot
avenge themselves.
Nemesis or Doombringers:
WEAPONS: At least one blunt, one piercing, and one slashing weapon
REQUIREMENTS: Dexterity 10, Wisdom 9
Special benifit
Clerics if Hoar can incite a focused rage once a day in themselves. This rage allowed them a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls against a specific being or group of beings they are seeking to bring satisfactory justice against and a +2 bonus to all saving throws. It takes one full round to incite this rage, which then lasts a turn or ceases earlier if all foes of the identified type are dead or unconscious. While in a focused rage, the recipient cannot flee from a fight against his or her targets. The target of the rage must be specific, such as "Therian Blackbeard," "this man before me identified as the murderer of an innocent child," or "the outlaws here of the Flaming Sword band." This cannot be applied to all creatures of a type, such as "all orcs," or "all thieves," and the group or individual the rage is focused on must be the target of a mission of righteous justice the Cleric is engaged in completing.
*Clerics of Hoar cannot turn undead, but if they make a successful attempt to command undead, they can order unliving creatures to seek out and attack their creators regardless of any commands (magical or otherwise) to the contrary, assuming the monsters did not seek undeath prior to their transformation.
The closes thing I can think of is dual class Berseker/cleric or playing half-elf Fighter/cleric
the bad news are Berserker cannot be LN aligment.... if i should dual class what lvl should i Dual class.. and so on
If you have other ideés pleaser share it here...
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