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To buy BG2 from GoG or to wait for BG2:EE?

mjsmjs Member Posts: 742
And when I'm wracked with indecision I always do the digital version of a coin flip...ask an online community for their opinion.

So do I buy it AGAIN (3rd time) and then AGAIN for BG2:EE (4th time) or do I wait patiently for BG2:EE and continue working my way through my "Using All the NPCs" Project (only 11 to go)
  1. To buy BG2 from GoG or to wait for BG2:EE?63 votes
    1. Don't be such a stinge, enjoy BG2 now and enjoy BG2:EE more later
    2. Patience is a virtue, learn discipline and the wait will make BG2:EE even better
    3. I have the same problem/see the results


  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239
    I don't see the point of buying GOG's BG2 if you're planning on getting BG2:EE anyway - there are plenty of other games you could spend your money on in the meantime. :)
  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190
    If you're hungry for more D&D love, then get a game that isn't going to be EE'd by the end of the year, like Icewind Dale or Temple of Elemental Evil.
  • mjsmjs Member Posts: 742
    @schneidend i've played Icewind Dale before and i'm dipping in and out of Neverwinter Nights, i just keep getting distracted by bg:ee

    have you played NWN, does it get going?
  • DelvarianDelvarian Member Posts: 1,232
    I can understand people saying not to buy the regular version of BG2 from GOG, but come on its pretty darn cheap, why not buy it and enjoy it until BG2EE comes out. Have fun with it, try out all the crazy mods.
  • secretmantrasecretmantra Member Posts: 259
    I already bought BG2 on GOG, before finding out about EE, but that's OK. I'll enjoy it all the more when A) it has more options, and B) can be played in OS X.
  • mjsmjs Member Posts: 742

    will i have to find fixes to patch the Gog version or is completely up to date for fixes etc?
  • secretmantrasecretmantra Member Posts: 259

    It is fit for play.
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018

    Have you played ToEE? There have been a number of community made patches that have fixed most of the problems from the original launch. I'd highly recommend it if you are looking for something to play while waiting for BG2:EE.

    Beyond that, what happened to the first 2 copies that you purchased BG2? And have you tried Planescape: Torment? Might also be something to try.
  • RnRClownRnRClown Member Posts: 182
    I already own a boxed copy of Baldur's Gate 2, from back in the day. I am awaiting the release of BG2:EE, though. Until then I shall continue my playthrough of BG:EE and if needed, chalk a few other titles off my 'must complete' list.

    If you have the urge to play it now, right now, I would recommend you get it. If you can afford the double purchase! Life is too short. Enjoy what you can, when you can, so long as you're happy with the decision of how to go about it.
  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190
    mjs said:

    @schneidend i've played Icewind Dale before and i'm dipping in and out of Neverwinter Nights, i just keep getting distracted by bg:ee

    have you played NWN, does it get going?

    The campaign for the original NWN is a bit weak even after it starts to pick up, but the expansions have very cool campaigns.
  • DrHappyAngryDrHappyAngry Member Posts: 1,577
    I couldn't wait and just got it from GOG. You can probably catch a nice D&D bundle sale. I picked it up with BG1 and 2, Planescape: Torment and some others for like $20 bucks.

    NWNs expansion packs are much better than the OC. One of the greatest things about NWN 1 and 2, is the vast amount of fan made campaigns and modules, and once you've polished off the main campaigns, it's definitely worth picking up a few.
  • BlucherBlucher Member Posts: 110
    Gamer's Gate has a pretty good deal: BG1 & 2, IWD1 & 2, PS:T, & ToEE for $20. (Dungeons & Dragons Anthology: The Master Collection)
  • ElendarElendar Member Posts: 831
    If you can easily afford it, buy it. If not, wait.
  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    When impatient person such as myself are advising you to be patient, then It certainly is going to be worth it.
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  • mjsmjs Member Posts: 742
    i guess if the forum consensus is that bg2:ee will probably come out this year, i'll wait. plus the poll is in favour of waiting...the fates have decided
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