Stats -> Level-Up Mechanics

As I understand it, the only statistic that has a compounding effect with level-ups is Constitution. In other words, the effect of Constitution on HP between a player who has 18 CON from level 1-5 and one who has 10 CON from level 1-5 and then suddenly has 18 at level 5 would be different, because the effect of CON on HP gained per level is computed at the moment of each level-up and is not modified retroactively if CON is modified.
Are there any other statistics that have this effect? For example, are the effects of INT and WIS on spells known computed at level-up, or are their effects "instantaneous" at each level?
Are there any other statistics that have this effect? For example, are the effects of INT and WIS on spells known computed at level-up, or are their effects "instantaneous" at each level?
Does that mean that you could theoretically see no HP boost or HP decrement, if you had an excellent HP roll the previous level and a terrible one on the subsequent level?
Ofcourse if you are one of the small folk, having 16+ Con is better since you get saving throw bonuses based on CON. Also, a dwarf or half orc can start with 19 CON, and reach 20 with the tome to enjoy regeneration. A 20 con character will regenerate his wounds slowly, in between area transfer travel times, often healing completely.
It should be noted also that if you lose CON, you lose extra hp too. If your familiar dies and your mage drops from 16 con to 15, he will retroactively lose one maximum hit point for every level he has. Along with familiar bonus hitpoints, ofcourse.
In addition, the HPs from leveling up are tracked separately by BG than the HP from Con so they are largely independent from one another.
I was thinking that at each level CON affected the randomized HP boost at level up (hence, leveling up could theoretically lower HP if the randomization was very favorable and then very unfavorable at successive level-ups, if the process was always applied retroactively at each level-up), but it looks like this is mistaken.
Instead, the HP randomization, which is NOT retroactively altered, has nothing to do with CON, and CON provides an instantaneous HP boost on top of that, and that boost interacts with level to determine the degree of boost.
What other retroactive effect would be expected? The game can't go back in time and re-do 'to hit' rolls or damage rolls after a strength increase. Similarly, a DEX increase won't have an effect.
Hope I'm making sense.
Hence, for example, delaying leveling until additional CON tomes are eaten doesn't make sense.
I put the open-ended question in there in case there was some other twist on this that I hadn't appreciated.
I don't remember seeing such a shield for sale there, but I guess I could check current game was made before the most recent patch, so some features could be missing.