I get no experience for this???

So there's my party, wandering around the outskirts of Gullykin. We walk through a... uh... gully, only to stumble upon a band of assassins determined to kill my CHARNAME. So far, par for the course.
My charname is a Blade (7). I also have a Cleric/Illusionist (5/5) my friend created. Ajantis (6). Branwen (6). Imoen (7). And of course Neera. Dear dear Neera (6).
Our gnomish cleric/illusionist just turned 5/5, so naturally, I savor the moment as he lays down a fireball. Not enough to kill them, mind you, but very satisfying. My Blade goes into offensive spin. Ajantis prepares an attack. Branwen casts Chant. Imoen starts firing a mage. And Neera, dear Neera, casts magic missile at the other mage.
Let me tell my friends, nothing good comes from hearing the following from Neera:
"Uh oh, a gate... is that a pit fiend?"
And yes, indeed it is a pit fiend.
He does not appear immediately. Oh no, not until the enemy mage casts Horror on half my party. I busy myself casting Remove Fear, but unfortunately, my Blade is still running around helter skelter.
The pit fiend then appeared, in all his bat-winged glory. I'm pretty sure it was him, Nabusa I believe his name was, that cast hold person on Ajantis. In any case, thwack, thwack, and Ajantis is hurting pretty bad. I try to cast cure spells to help him, but keep getting interrupted by the attacks from the assassins. All while my Blade runs back and forth, back and forth.
Imoen pulls out her best arrows. My cleric/illusionist runs through all five of his magic missiles. A sleep calms the assassins down for the moment. I try some wands against the pit fiend. Cone of cold, magic missile, lightning bolt, they're all pretty ineffective, because MAGIC RESISTANCE.
Branwen puts down an assassin. Somewhere in there Ajantis dies. The pit fiend thwacks my cleric/illusionist, Branwen, Neera. They all run and are hurting pretty bad. Imoen's still shooting arrows.
My Blade finally calms down, I do another offensive spin, and despite his speed, he never really gets attacks in, because the Pit Find is lumbering after Neera too fast.
Finally, my cleric/illusionist digs through his potion case and finds a potion of fire breathing.
Gulp. Whoosh. Flames.
And down Nabusa goes, the pit fiend is dead.
I wait eagerly for my massive experience... which I never receive.
We proceed to mop up the remaining assassins, no big deal.
I think, well, maybe no experience, but at least the cleric/illusionist's information sheet will now shown Pit Fiend as most powerful enemy killed.
We gather up the belongings of Ajantis and trek back to the tempest outside Beregost.
Can they raise Ajantis back to life, so at least I can savor the tale?
No, no they cannot. His character sheet simply says DEAD.
The moral of this story is that, wow, that was an amazingly tense battle, with what could have been a satisfying conclusion. But to receive no experience, none, for killing a pit fiend? That's just kind of absurd.
Anyhow, such is life. I will likely restart play just before the ambush. (If I could raise Ajantis, I would keep playing, but I really want to play with Ajantis in my party.)
This felt like an epic moment I wanted to share, and gripe just a bit about the no experience for killing a PIT FIEND for criminy's sake.
My charname is a Blade (7). I also have a Cleric/Illusionist (5/5) my friend created. Ajantis (6). Branwen (6). Imoen (7). And of course Neera. Dear dear Neera (6).
Our gnomish cleric/illusionist just turned 5/5, so naturally, I savor the moment as he lays down a fireball. Not enough to kill them, mind you, but very satisfying. My Blade goes into offensive spin. Ajantis prepares an attack. Branwen casts Chant. Imoen starts firing a mage. And Neera, dear Neera, casts magic missile at the other mage.
Let me tell my friends, nothing good comes from hearing the following from Neera:
"Uh oh, a gate... is that a pit fiend?"
And yes, indeed it is a pit fiend.
He does not appear immediately. Oh no, not until the enemy mage casts Horror on half my party. I busy myself casting Remove Fear, but unfortunately, my Blade is still running around helter skelter.
The pit fiend then appeared, in all his bat-winged glory. I'm pretty sure it was him, Nabusa I believe his name was, that cast hold person on Ajantis. In any case, thwack, thwack, and Ajantis is hurting pretty bad. I try to cast cure spells to help him, but keep getting interrupted by the attacks from the assassins. All while my Blade runs back and forth, back and forth.
Imoen pulls out her best arrows. My cleric/illusionist runs through all five of his magic missiles. A sleep calms the assassins down for the moment. I try some wands against the pit fiend. Cone of cold, magic missile, lightning bolt, they're all pretty ineffective, because MAGIC RESISTANCE.
Branwen puts down an assassin. Somewhere in there Ajantis dies. The pit fiend thwacks my cleric/illusionist, Branwen, Neera. They all run and are hurting pretty bad. Imoen's still shooting arrows.
My Blade finally calms down, I do another offensive spin, and despite his speed, he never really gets attacks in, because the Pit Find is lumbering after Neera too fast.
Finally, my cleric/illusionist digs through his potion case and finds a potion of fire breathing.
Gulp. Whoosh. Flames.
And down Nabusa goes, the pit fiend is dead.
I wait eagerly for my massive experience... which I never receive.
We proceed to mop up the remaining assassins, no big deal.
I think, well, maybe no experience, but at least the cleric/illusionist's information sheet will now shown Pit Fiend as most powerful enemy killed.
We gather up the belongings of Ajantis and trek back to the tempest outside Beregost.
Can they raise Ajantis back to life, so at least I can savor the tale?
No, no they cannot. His character sheet simply says DEAD.
The moral of this story is that, wow, that was an amazingly tense battle, with what could have been a satisfying conclusion. But to receive no experience, none, for killing a pit fiend? That's just kind of absurd.
Anyhow, such is life. I will likely restart play just before the ambush. (If I could raise Ajantis, I would keep playing, but I really want to play with Ajantis in my party.)
This felt like an epic moment I wanted to share, and gripe just a bit about the no experience for killing a PIT FIEND for criminy's sake.

Also, you should have been able to resurrect Ajantis at a temple.
The summoned Pit Fiend acts just like a normal one would in this case. Hence, one should get the XP for it.
I would agree that summons that powerful should be worth (at least partial) xp, and I definitely would like to see them under 'powerful kills'.
I definitely agree that the encounter gave our party an experience, even if it isn't on the character sheet.
I found one reference that a pit fiend gives 12,500 XP. That would be a big chunk, but not necessarily game breaking. It's not as if I'm going to go around casting spells with Neera purely in the hope that I can summon a pit fiend and harvest XP. Is it possible somebody could do so? Well, I suppose so, but man, what a boring way to play such a good game.
XP is a proxy for the learning your characters do based on their encounters. It's hard to imagine they learned nothing from fighting a pit fiend accidentally summoned by a wild mage.
Perhaps afterwards, Neera shouts out, "So we pretend this never happened. It never happened, ok? If Ajantis asks, he just ate some bad mushrooms!"
gated demons count as summons even if you don't control them
No experience.... for this?!
If I put in 12500 XP for Nabassu into DEMNABSU.CRE, will that XP be applied retroactively? Or would I need to use Shadowkeeper to get the XP onto my PC and NPCs?
If the latter, I would assume I should assign the XP to the five living characters and not to Ajantis, right?
It would also be interesting to see if I edit 12500 XP into DEMNABSU.CRE if that got the pit fiend to show up as most powerful enemy killed.
Hmmm. I would imagine when the next patch comes out, it may well override any XP I add into the DEMNABSU.CRE file?
I'm actually not sure what happens to override folder upon patching. I always move it from the game directory before patching just in case...
Next time have Ajantis cast Protection from Evil on himself (the Paladin innate power). This will make him invisible to the summoned demon.
(okay. a nightmare in Ajantis' case)