
The Shapeshifter is a class I've always found interesting but never given a chance. I'm aware that they are pretty underpowered and I don't really see the best way to use them.
So, what do you guys think of this class. Any tips on making it a powerful character? How about into TOB?
Also, what about a shapeshifter dualed to fighter? Would that work and are there really any benefits?
So, what do you guys think of this class. Any tips on making it a powerful character? How about into TOB?
Also, what about a shapeshifter dualed to fighter? Would that work and are there really any benefits?
Not enough to justify the drawbacks though. The best way to test one out is to play around with Cernd
Various reasons :
- it's regarded as quite underwhelming. Especially compared to what bonuses the Werewolves should have
- Cernd is the least interesting NPC in BG2.
- while first Shapeshift form will let you cheese thru BG1, in BG2 it becomes quickly worse than your fighters. Second Werewolf form is better, but also later outshined...
- Druids, when not multiclassed/dualclassed with/from fighters tend to be quite lackluster in Baldur's Gate (poor equipment choices)
- I have heard the thought about dual-classing the druid on lvl 13 (where you get the second form) to fighter, but never heard about anyone really trying it. To be honest, I'd either do not do that or stay a druid till the end...
At 3rd level spells (class level 5), Druids start getting some of the good stuff, but until then they're going to feel kind of pathetic next to a Cleric. Two kits fix this:
- Avengers fix this by getting one good spell per spell level.
- Shapeshifters fix this by being very decent at melee for levels 1-4, so you can largely ignore the poor spell choices and just fill up on healing to patch people up after a fight.
I've had great success using a Shapeshifter as a secondary tank in the Black Pits. By the time his werewolf form is insufficient, he's a full caster.
The Shapeshifter has a bad reputation in BG2 for two reasons:
1/ Cernd is a boring nobody; and
2/ There is not much of a "sweet spot" where your primary werewolf form is sufficient for melee.
Also, if you're Druid is in the back slinglin'/chunckin' darts, in between rounds you can use him/her to hit something with Doom or, if your frontline has Free Action, Entangle.
Second level, yeah. Not much going on there but Slow Poison and Protection from Fire/Ice. Web if you're running an Avenger. Still though. Slow Poison and Prot. Fire/Ice is nice to have around with so enemies using poison, and fire.
This is exactly what I had in mind. Is there any advantage to going shapeshifter over F/D other than RP reasons?
Will a shifter feel weak in TOB?
No real advantage, save higher level if you go straight class, instead of a multiclass. Actually, I remember from vanilla BG2, that Shapeshifter was not really good when dualled to Fighter, as the Werewolf forms do not stack with fighter bonuses (APR...), but replace them instead, so you get virtually nothing.
Only a difference, that F/D will be better off fighting whole time and casting during fights, whereas the Shapeshifter will be much more squishy when out of his werewolf form. But the RP portion is really good.
"Will a shifter feel weak in TOB?"
A bit, if you neglect the Druid spells and think of him as of a fighter. Not, if you realize that it's a divine caster.
And it would actually unbalance the game a lot, if they did. Real Werewolves are overpowered as hell.