Still 200k copies for success / 50k copies for covering expenses?
Trent Oster noted last year that in order for the game to be a financial success it would need to sell aboutj 200 000 copies in total.
I know that the theme aren't giving up salesnumbers or anything like that, but considering the delays, extra work etc., is there a new estimate? What do the people of the board think of this?
Trent Oster noted last year that in order for the game to be a financial success it would need to sell aboutj 200 000 copies in total.
I know that the theme aren't giving up salesnumbers or anything like that, but considering the delays, extra work etc., is there a new estimate? What do the people of the board think of this?
Still, we'll get a feel for its success (or lack thereof) from what comes later (extra material or BG3 type add ons) at some point.