Debug Mode not working?

So, I looked up on google how to access Debug Mode. I type in the 'Program Options','Debug Mode','1' into my .INI file, in C:\Users\DemonDragon\Documents\Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition I go into the game, I hit CTRL+Space, and all it does is pause the game. So, I Alt+Tab out, look at the .INI file and the part I pasted in, has deleted itself from the file. Yes, I did save before closing it.
Am I doing something wrong? I bought it off of steam, instead of the actual website, does that make a difference?
Am I doing something wrong? I bought it off of steam, instead of the actual website, does that make a difference?
Unfortunately this will prevent any changes you make in-game from being saved. For example, after making the .ini read-only, if you change the difficulty in-game, it will only stay that way during that session; the next time you start up the game the difficulty will be back at whatever it was before.
Edit: Now that I think about it, there's another possibility as to what's causing this. You should try making the changes, saving them, close the .ini, and then re-open (without having run the game) it to confirm that the changes are still there. If they aren't, then there may be an issue with permission/administrative rights.
CLUAConsole:SetCurrentXP(#) - Assigns experience points (# is the amount of experience)
CLUAConsole:CreateItem("xxxx",#) - Create item (xxxx is the filename and # is stacksize)
I'm pretty sure there are more then just those, but, I don't know them. >.> I've never played this before, and I know diddly about PC games, I'm about as n00b as it gets.
Also, I don't think any of the console commands have changed from the original game, so you can also try googling "Baldur's Gate cheats" or something like that.
CREATE TABLE options (
section string,
name string,
value string
'Program Options', 'Debug Mode', '1',
'Window', 'Full Screen', '0',
'Window', 'Maximized', '0',
'MOVIES', 'INTRO', '1',
'Window', 'x', '199',
'Window', 'y', '158',
'Window', 'w', '1024',
'Window', 'h', '768',
Also, I don't know what happened, but i closed it out for about an hour and now it i don't know, maybe it was the Steam Version actually catching up with my edit.