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[Request] Exceptional Charisma Affects NPC Reputation Reactions

LockLock Member Posts: 84
edited April 2013 in General Modding
This idea was raised by @Jalily in this thread and I would love to see it realised:
Jalily said:

What if exceptional Charisma gave you more or less leeway as far as NPC reactions to your reputation?

Normally, good NPCs break at 1-2, neutrals at 1, and evil at 19-20. So with 17 Charisma, for example, good NPCs would break at 1, neutrals never, and evil at 20. With 18 Charisma, you can keep everyone regardless of reputation. With 19+, they'll stop using their angry/unhappy lines. :P And with very low Charisma, you'd have to manage your reputation much more carefully to ensure they stick with you.

I've always wanted to see charisma have more of an effect in game, and I think those proposed changes would be a brilliant place to start. Anyone have an idea how difficult such changes would be to implement?


  • agrisagris Member Posts: 581
    edited April 2013
    Nice idea @Lock

    I'd like to see the 'break points' tightened around the mean (good at 4, neutral at 2/18 and evil at 16) and the current CHA reaction adjustments divided by 2, such that it really took exceptional CHA to keep good characters in an evil party, and evil characters in a good party. Also, to be fair, the same treatment should be given to negative modifiers at low CHA levels.
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