Mage - HOW to cast spell question -- right after character creation

I am literally right out of character creation, I selected magic missile and shake hands, or friend human. I made the magic missile as the one to know on spawn.
I see in the book that it is selected, and my magic bar on play screen is all greyed out, without the symbol of my spell I would like to use.
I can only attack with quarter staff. I have walked out into the real world of combat, and can still not figure how to assign the spell to use it.
1. How Do i ASsign the spell, in order to use. I am Elf Mage. Right out of character creation
2. Can you confirm that the spell is limited to one use per day? (or per rest?)
3. any other TRULY... BASIC.. out of character creation input you can add to... USING ... very basic, very essential spells?
Thank you.
I see in the book that it is selected, and my magic bar on play screen is all greyed out, without the symbol of my spell I would like to use.
I can only attack with quarter staff. I have walked out into the real world of combat, and can still not figure how to assign the spell to use it.
1. How Do i ASsign the spell, in order to use. I am Elf Mage. Right out of character creation
2. Can you confirm that the spell is limited to one use per day? (or per rest?)
3. any other TRULY... BASIC.. out of character creation input you can add to... USING ... very basic, very essential spells?
Thank you.
You have to do that EVERY time you want to cast the spell?
Step 2. Memorize the spells. Open your spellbook and click on the desired spell. It will go into the box to the left, and it will be semi-transparent.
Step 3. Rest. After this, the spell will no longer be transparent and you can now cast it. On your bar of hotkeys, you click the spell button and then select which spell to cast.
Whenever you rest (which takes 8 hours, so technically the spells are up to 3x/day), all your spells will be ready for use again. You get more spell-slots as you level up, so you can choose to memorize the same spell more than once, giving you more uses per rest.
You CAN also assign specific spells to the hotbar itself, by right-clicking (I think) an empty button and then select the desired spell.
I select the spells to memorize --- 2 sets missle or 1 set 1 set missle and flames...
i click rest... the magic hot bar is still blanked out default grey --- no specific magic icon.
1. open up spell book.
2. assign to memorize.
3. rest
4. use.
5. select.
6. rest.
7. repeat infinitely.
8. it is not initiating.
It could be helpful to post some screenshots. Maybe post one of your spellbook screen, and one of the main screen.
On the spell bar, you're just looking for the crescent moon and stars symbol to cast. Press that and the currently memorized spells should come up. Once you select one of those to cast, the moon and stars on the main page will be outlines in red until you select a target. Just click on a character or point on the map to select it as a target. You'll know you succeeded once the red outline goes away. Once you unpause, the little icon of the spell being cast will show up in the top right corner of your character portrait.
The other greyed out icons on the main page can be selected by right clicking, which will let you assign any of your currently memorized spells to it as a quick slot. I never bother with this.
mishaps.. concluded - thank you.
It's a common mistake to use a mages spell slots for direct damage....9/10 that is ultimately wasteful, since their crowd control abilities or buffs are so much more potent and useful. Wands are where the bulk of your damage spell casting comes from...wands of fire and lightening are relatively plentiful, and if you know where to look, can be acquired immediately after starting the first chapter, with enough charges to effortlessly carry you through the first 1/2-2/3 of the game (Used sparingly, and only when absolutely necessary, they can last the whole game).
While BG has no consequence (most of the time) for abusing the crap out of resting, it's not very realistic and borderline engine exploitive, and you'll likely find the game much more enjoyable and challenging to refrain from frequent resting (I usually only rest once the party becomes fatigued).
2) click "Magic Missile" (If you have memorized it),
3) click on enemy.
Spell must be memorized in spellbook first.
Identify spell cannot be used in battle.
(Sorcerers simply have a number of spells per day per spell level (any combination of spells from each level, totaling their max per day), and don't require memorization, but they also can't learn new spells basically at will from scrolls..and they only get a small number per spell level, requiring you to think carefully about which spells will remain useful throughout the saga...sleep is god for a mage, but a waste of a slot as a sorcerer since it's pretty much useless very late BG and onwards (technically you COULD use it but by SoA, enemies that would be affected by it can be killed by thinking hard in their general direction) (Easier to let another caster handle it or prioritize getting a sleep wand).
Magic missile is ok-ish from level 5+, but there's just usually better options (though yes, it does depend on party composition, though most DnD games assume the player will be using at least 1 each of the 4 archetypes, so I also generally base my advice around it). Magic missile a mage, MAYBE interrupt one spell (enemies have a frustratingly high chance to ignore spell interruption (even a lvl 9+ MM is no guarantee), while you get interrupted by them sneezing in your general direction)....Blind a mage (does require a save, but with proper debuffing, it can be almost guaranteed), and he's harmless till the spell runs out (works for archers too, but only a handful have enough health that you can't simply gun them down with bows before they lay the hurt on you)...which likely his life/protections will before it does.
Spook is extremely powerful at high levels because it's save penalty eventually hits -6, allowing it work on most enemies throughout the whole saga, even without debuffs. Also blind similarly makes enemies super easy, but requires save debuffs vs higher level foes, since it doesn't have a save penalty.
And of course a wild mage tends to memorize only NRD, once they get a decent stable of spells available and high enough level to consistently NOT insta-gib the party.