[BG2:EE] Separate stronghold for Blackgaurd (spoilers)
Hey i just had a thought, most classes can acquire a Stronghold no matter their alignment or RP choices, but it wouldn't make sense for a Blackgaurd to even do the Firekraag quest to save a land or to Join the Most Noble Order of the Radiant Heart. So i thought would it be possible to have a separate quest for blackgaurds to get a stronghold. Perhaps joining an underground cult dedicated to Cyric or some other dark god? or perhaps your Demon Patron sends you to aid Firkraag and you receive control over his dungeon and some of his minions and them give you money and items via raiding? Heck maybe even join the cut of the unseeing eye. I just would want to see an evil stronghold for Blackgaurds
i think the more likely/appropriate scenario is for the blackguard to get the keep along with fighters