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First exposure with anything from the D&D universe?

MordeusMordeus Member Posts: 460
Two of my earliest childhood memories comes from D&D.

Firstly would be the early 80s Dungeons and Dragons cartoon. I wasn't alive when it originally aired but here in Australia they used to repeat it in the early mornings before school. I've since re-watched all the episodes to refresh my memory but the roller-coaster introduction has always been firmly implanted in my mind. As a kid I used to be a sucker for Bobby the barbarian and his orphan unicorn pet, but looking back the real star of the show Eric.

My recent run through in the Black Pits had a party of Hank (archer), Eric (cavalier), Diana (acrobat), Presto (mage), Shiela (thief) and Bobby (barbarian).

Secondly would be the Hillsfar computer game from 1989, I used to play it not knowing what exactly was going on. Probably haven't touched it since the mid 90s. I still remember having to jump over obstacles on horseback, the Colosseum in the top right of the city map and being caught by guards after frantically wandering around a maze. I'm tempted right now to give it another go.


  • JalilyJalily Member Posts: 4,681
    Baldur's Gate. <_<
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,675
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  • MordeusMordeus Member Posts: 460
    @Bhaaldog The sad thing is the kids never did make it back to their own dimension. That Dungeon Master guy just kept on sending them off to do his dirty work until the show got cancelled.

    Some of the episodes are quite ridiculous. Like a Beholder being defeated because of a flower, an army of orcs defeated by a colony of Care Bear/Ewok hybrids and the thief heroine with the power to become invisible only ever uses it to be the first one to run away. Still it's a pretty good show considering the time it was made.
  • TeflonTeflon Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 515
    Dungeons & Dragons red box.
    Elmore's illustration and cool example campaign which features fighter meets female cleric and defeat or charmed by evil mage and retrieve cleric corpse. It was cool.
    And dice set was coool too.
  • TJ_HookerTJ_Hooker Member Posts: 2,438
    The Dungeons & Dragons movie (2000) and Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance. It was a bit of a rought start.
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,221
    @Mordeus: There is a script for the final episode, where they get home. It's a shame it was never made, I totally loved the series.
  • KilivitzKilivitz Member Posts: 1,459
    edited April 2013
    I've had an uncle who gave me the First Quest AD&D kit as a gift when I was around 10. Anyone remembers that?

    A few years later, I went to spend a couple of weeks at his house and he introduced me to this new computer game he was playing... it was called Baldur's Gate.
  • TyranusTyranus Member Posts: 268
    My father used to play D&D with my siblings and our family friends every weekend growing up. I owe my love of all things fantasy and sci-fi to him.

    I guess I would have been 6 or 7 when I started, so i've been playing D&D for 20+ years. Randall The Raven (ranger) and Tyr Re'Ling (paladin) were among my first characters.
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