Finding Groups for Multi-Player

One of the aspects of BG that I never took much advantage of when I used to play it was the option to play multiplayer. I played a few games with friends, but we never stuck it out long enough to get past the first few hours. I, for one, am really interested in joining with 5 other players to play a one-player-each multiplayer campaign. Does anybody know if there are community resources that help players find other players for such ventures?
(As a side note, if you're interested in this idea, please let me know. I'm thinking a one-night-a-week kind of thing.)
(As a side note, if you're interested in this idea, please let me know. I'm thinking a one-night-a-week kind of thing.)
Multiplayer in Bg is at times superb, but marred by a few very annoying features (or lack thereof) which hopefully will be ironed out in BGEE (for example, not being able to shop simultaneously, not being able to right-click view items in another player's inventory etc)
It seems MP issues like that would be very much in the BG:EE team's agenda to address.
Hopefully the technical side will be much better in the EE, but I'm not convinced the people found by matchmaking will improve too much.