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Finding Groups for Multi-Player

ArkinArkin Member Posts: 32
One of the aspects of BG that I never took much advantage of when I used to play it was the option to play multiplayer. I played a few games with friends, but we never stuck it out long enough to get past the first few hours. I, for one, am really interested in joining with 5 other players to play a one-player-each multiplayer campaign. Does anybody know if there are community resources that help players find other players for such ventures?

(As a side note, if you're interested in this idea, please let me know. I'm thinking a one-night-a-week kind of thing.)


  • SkinnyDSkinnyD Member Posts: 28
    I would definitely be interested in that. But I press 'pause' extremely often while playing BG and BG2. I've heard it can get a little annoying in MP games though I don't have much experience with them to be honest.
  • HeroicSpurHeroicSpur Member Posts: 907
    @SkinnyD: in that case it would probably be best for you to come to some sort of agreement with the other players. For example using auto-pause, or agreeing that only the host pauses etc.

    Multiplayer in Bg is at times superb, but marred by a few very annoying features (or lack thereof) which hopefully will be ironed out in BGEE (for example, not being able to shop simultaneously, not being able to right-click view items in another player's inventory etc)
  • RisingsunRisingsun Member Posts: 99
    edited July 2012
    I know that on the Mac and iPad the team is looking at using Game Center for matching up players easily. I think they want to use Game Center cause the APIs are already there and easy to implement, and you can count on people having it. For the PC and Cross-platform multiplayer I'm not so sure, but Game Center at the least should allow for easy cross iPad Mac multiplayer and the ability to find others to play with.
  • SkinnyDSkinnyD Member Posts: 28
    It seems MP issues like that would be very much in the BG:EE team's agenda to address.
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    I'd definitely be interested in doing this
  • bgplayabgplaya Member Posts: 129
    I never got to play a multiplayer game either. It's something I'll definitely be looking into when the EE comes out.
  • ArkinArkin Member Posts: 32
    It sounds like the EE includes multiplayer match-making, so...Sweet!
  • kraedkraed Member Posts: 60
    The idea of doing multiplayer with a group of trusted friends in BG was fun, but my experience of matchmade mp and random people was entirely sour (yeah the feature was sort of there in the original release.. but it really sucked and very rarely found people). Almost every single person seemed to have 25 in every stat across the board, and most played like psychos just murdering their way through each and every character we met. I'd like to say it was an isolated incident but pretty much all the sessions I played, save for one or two, ended up like that. Though saying that it's hard to not enjoy a random barbarian that joins your game called UnstoppableHATE who routinely murders people. Well, at least until the game crashed which it frequently did in the original release in mp.

    Hopefully the technical side will be much better in the EE, but I'm not convinced the people found by matchmaking will improve too much.
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