Loot table à la Icewind Dale
Something that I liked in Icewind Dale, was the fact that there are lots units that have an itemloot pool and you always get a random one out of the items assigned to him. I would like the same to be introduced in BG.
You kill XY Ogre boss, instead of always dropping Gauntlents X, he would have a chance of dropping Ring Y or Armor Z instead. This way replay value can be further increased and it adds a nice twist to items. This could also be a nice method for introducing new item types like Katanas, Wakizashi etc. and also increase the number of underrepresented items.
You kill XY Ogre boss, instead of always dropping Gauntlents X, he would have a chance of dropping Ring Y or Armor Z instead. This way replay value can be further increased and it adds a nice twist to items. This could also be a nice method for introducing new item types like Katanas, Wakizashi etc. and also increase the number of underrepresented items.
Post edited by Daedalus87m on
On the other hand, it does keep the game fresh, and makes you excited when something nice drops.
You can avoid the problem you presented with a completely random loot system (as opposed to a loot table) since the drop possibilities are too varied to reliable farm a single item. However, you get an even larger problem (imo) since you can no longer tailor what items drop to the particular monster/boss. So, it's entirely possible to have beserkers dropping mage robes, mages who were apparently carrying full-plate, etc. I imagine for most people this breaks the immersion pretty badly, since one of the most exciting moments of the game (checking out new loot) is tainted by the reminder that you're just playing a game.
Now, normally you'd think there could be a middle ground where the random drops must be items that the enemy's class would allow him/her to use.., but I don't know if Baldur's Gate I has a large enough magical item database to discourage attempts to farm a particular item. Plus, you'd still miss out on some of the previous immersion unless you also equipped the bosses with the randomly generated items - which would arguably add even more replayability..., but would probably mangle balancing each fight's difficulty.
Anyways, tl;dr: in the end I'd prefer just a simple loot table, as the only real problem I can see it creating (players trying to grind a specific drop via reloads) is easily fixed with a little player discipline.
@ajwz - Reloading is something that depends on the player. If you like to reload everytime when something doesn't fit you (e.g. you don't get your loot, lvl up doesnt give max hp, someone dies etc.) then of course it's your right to do so, but there are other people that don't reload every time and like to live with what comes at them.
I think it's an interesting way to also reduce the urge to go all like "ok, I have to get THIS class because X item is there and is soooo imba so I HAVE to go there asap."
Stuff like that just limits variety in playstyle.
Now, you still know the quests, maps, and boss fights - and there's no easy way of changing that - but changing this one element is like tricking your mind into believing you've stepped into this parallel existence where you know and understand the framework of what's going on..., but the exact details have yet to be revealed. Thus, hopefully, making the game easier to immerse yourself in once again.
Example: In Icewind Dale, when you kill a certain person called Kaylessa, then she always drops:
1 Boots of Speed
1 of the following: Kaylessa's Ring, Kaylessa's Gloves, Kaylessa's Elven Chainmail or Kaylessa's Bow
The latter do all have their own background story and special bonuses like +dexterity and so on.
Still if it were strictly controlled then I supposed that could work in part but I wouldn't see the point, For example, special items in the game like Carsomyr, the Flail of ages or Lilacor.
Could you really see them being converted into Carsomyr or a fleshed out version of (Paladin 1h weapon, Paladin Helm, Paladin shield). Lilcaor becomes either the talking sword or one of (talking Mace that is evil and spiteful, talking necklace that tried to seduce other people and boost your love life by faking your voice). These items could be great in their own right and shouldn't become an either/or.
The flail of ages is special because it was the weapon of choice of the man who owned D'Arnise Keep. It shouldn't be anywhere else and there shouldn't be another item there instead of it. It's part of the plot.
Celestial Fury has no plot attached and so you could argue there could be alternatives to drop instead of it but really. it;s a great sword to get early on. Can you imagine a game where the random number generator gives you nought but daggers, maces, rings and shield when all you;re crying out for is a decent 2h sword? Fixed loot lets you control matters and make sure everyone of all specializations is well catered for (I'm aware clubs were neglected in BG1 but the way to fix that is to add more clubs).
As an example, one of the random Chests in the Forgotten Temple has:
A +2 Longbow with added AC and resists.
A +1 Longbow with added AC and saves
A +1 Shortbow, no added effects
A +1 Small Shield
To be blunt, you want to savescum until you get that +2 Longbow, the only +2 launcher you'll be seeing for a whole Chapter or so.