Mark the area that will be affected by a spell.

Mark the area that will be affected by a spell.
It is very annoying to intuit where to cast a fireball spell to not hurt your allies.
Sorry for my bad english!
It is very annoying to intuit where to cast a fireball spell to not hurt your allies.
Sorry for my bad english!
Post edited by Jalily on
Am I right ?
There so many spells and grenades that I don't think it is possible to know them all. Even with a lot of experimentation you will not acquire exact informations.
I think it is not a part of the game , but it is a difficulty that exist because of technological lacks of that times.
I know all spells of BG1 and 2, I know exactly their area of effects, simply by playing the game
It's a part of BG because it's why BG is difficult
And again it is not tactical.
I remembered how in Dragon Age: Origins, a game with similar combat (Real time strategy with Pause), I'd target my area of effect spells with milimetric precision - undermining the most important tactical aspect of the game, positioning conditioned by friendly fire.
Currently on Baldur's Gate I can't, and seriously doubt most people can, do the same thing. Strategically, one must/should position its party with some room for error while prioritizing more ranged confrontation. Sound like a very good way to deal with it to me.
The other thing to consider is that even if you know exactly where your spell is going to go off, you don't know where exactly the enemies or even your own party is going to be at the end of the casting time. Enemies might move - and your friends might move too.
I think having a "limit of effect" graphic would be a very useful thing, and it would actually bring the game closer to its D&D progenitor.
The AI in Baldur's Gate is no different from a Dungeon Master looking at a battle mat. The only difference is that there are more of them, and they think faster. Letting the player have a slight leg-up isn't a problem to me, especially when it ultimately comes down to UI and functionality. To me, it's the same thing as the green/red/blue circles around the characters that tell you who's on your side and who's an enemy.
I think it is important.
For me the AoE display would break immersion and as BlackRazor said, it would just feel too much like WoW and not like BG.
This feature is a decent one.
@Aosaw, I'm fine with it being optional, as I said earlier in the thread.
Some people would like the feature (like me).
Others don't care for it.
If Overhaul chooses to implement something like this they'd probably make it optional, so both sides can be happy.
I meant no offence to you.